Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎01-03-2017

Ordered a MacBook Pro 8 days ago - arrived late, only accessories were included.

Okay, I'm genuinely upset and I've never been this disappointed in a company. This was my first time ordering off of QVC, and I ordered a MacBook Pro on the 26th of December. I paid for Premium shipping (which said it would take 2 days to ship) and it's taken 8 days in total to ship!


But that's not the worst part about it all. I noticed that the tracking in UPS showed my package as weighing 0.10 pounds. I was hoping it was just an error on their part since there's no way a MacBook weighs that less.


But unfortunately it was not. When I finally got the package earlier today (which was already 8 days late even though I used premium shipping), the MacBook Pro Box contained a few accessories and items except for the actual MacBook!


I didn't want to sign for it before I checked the box but the UPS guy said he couldn't pass over the package until I had signed for it. It weighed less than I expected, but not less enough to arouse suspicion.


I'm so confused and annoyed right now, can you please help me out here? I know it wasn't your fault and I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I'm just so frustrated!


I was really looking forward to unpacking and reviewing the MacBook when I got it, because I have a Youtube and Twitch channel (called SkyCuboid) where I review products, I wanted to contact you guys before I made a video because I'm sure there's a valid explanation behind this.


So please help me out here, I just wanted to get a MacBook so I can use it to better edit videos but this has been the most frustrating experience I've ever had with a company.


Previous post got removed because I included my order number! Have removed it now! Smiley Happy


I did contact a customer rep earlier today but was told to wait 10 business days for a response from their home office. I've already waited 8 days for a product I still don't have except for it's accessories (even though I paid for 2 day shipping).


I saw that QVC has a forum/community which looked very helpful and am hence posting here in the hopes that one of you may be able to help somehow.


Could someone please get this responded to faster?

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 125
Registered: ‎12-20-2016

Re: Ordered a MacBook Pro 8 days ago - arrived late, only accessories were included.

@SkyCuboid  I'm really sorry and I understand your frustration. Please email and I will be happy to take a look at your order.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎01-03-2017

Re: Ordered a MacBook Pro 8 days ago - arrived late, only accessories were included.

I've just sent you an email, thank you for the quick response.


Really hope you're able to help!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,438
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Ordered a MacBook Pro 8 days ago - arrived late, only accessories were included.

I don't know what kind of delivery driver you have, but I've had several and not one of them has ever refused to let me open a box if I thought it didn't seem quite right.  I've had some banged up boxes that I wanted to open and check with no problems what-so-ever.  You always have the right to check, especially when it's something like that.  The shipping problems with the Q are mentioned all over the boards.  Hope you get your Mac, but I have a feeling once you accepted and signed, you're out of luck.  I wish you the best.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎01-03-2017

Re: Ordered a MacBook Pro 8 days ago - arrived late, only accessories were included.

It was delivered via UPS and yes that really sucks. I hope I'm able to get this worked out soon Smiley Sad


The box in the tracking said it weighed 0.10 lbs (Which is nowhere near what a MacBook pro should weigh). But after receiving the box, it weighed around 2-3 lbs, which seemed alright to me, not too suspicious, so I waited for my friends to come over so I could unbox it in front of them! 



Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎01-03-2017

Re: Ordered a MacBook Pro 8 days ago - arrived late, only accessories were included.

@Kinski-QVC Was able to help me out and resolve my problem! QVC support is amazing! Thanks so much you awesome people! And especially Kinski! ^_^

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,491
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Ordered a MacBook Pro 8 days ago - arrived late, only accessories were included.

When I purchased one of my laptops from QVC, I received 2 separate shipments.  The laptop came separate from the accessories.


The laptop came directly from the manufacturer, many weeks after the accessories as they ship from different places and the laptops are made to order even though it's a TSV.


Hopefully that's all it is.

QVC Shopper - 1993