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@pprmntstx wrote:

Why aren't old threads, over a year old, deleted?  We can't post on them.


Probably because the mods don't have time to delete them. They do, though, when someone brings an old one to their attention.


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Re: Old threads

[ Edited ]

Well once again I see that I'm sorry I posted. Last thing I'll say about this. I think it's included in the package QVC has   for the forums. Just like there is no ignore button. Old threads won't disappear as the package doesn't include that. They bought the cheapest one available. Maybe the Mods should start locking older threads instead of helping people with their orders or the other jobs they have.

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Re: Old threads

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In the past I've seen a 6-year old thread resurrected by a poster.  That thread had over 50 responses back in the day, and the conversation had been answered and hashed up, down and sideways.


It was obvious that the new poster only read the OP -- post #1 on page #1 -- and contributed virtually nothing new or helpful.  

To me, bumping like that only clogs the forum and brings an old trodden thread up, and for what?  The same posters may not even be active on the boards anymore. 

I think it's good to keep them for archival reasons, but yes, lock those old ones down.  Just start a new discussion thread that will undoubtedly be more relevant. 

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Re: Old threads

[ Edited ]

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Well once again I see that I'm sorry I posted. Last thing I'll say about this. I think it's included in the package QVC has   for the forums. Just like there is no ignore button. Old threads won't disappear as the package doesn't include that. They bought the cheapest one available. 

replied to the wrong post, I apologize.................

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@Spurt wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Well once again I see that I'm sorry I posted. Last thing I'll say about this. I think it's included in the package QVC has   for the forums. Just like there is no ignore button. Old threads won't disappear as the package doesn't include that. They bought the cheapest one available. 

The Guidelines do warn against

"thread bumping" and I consider that "thread bumping"...........

@Spurt  Not sure what you mean. Did I say anything about thread bumping? I don't see where.

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@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Well once again I see that I'm sorry I posted. Last thing I'll say about this. I think it's included in the package QVC has   for the forums. Just like there is no ignore button. Old threads won't disappear as the package doesn't include that. They bought the cheapest one available. 

The Guidelines do warn against

"thread bumping" and I consider that "thread bumping"...........

@Spurt  Not sure what you mean. Did I say anything about thread bumping? I don't see where.



sorry I apologize I hit reply to the wrong post.....

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Re: Old threads

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@Johnnyeager wrote:

As was said, they aren't hurting anyone.  So why does it instill Moderator terror when one is brought to the front?  I've just never understood what damage was being inflicted  



In the Community Standards it says ---do not bump messages......  Consider it the same as reading old news....  

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Re: Old threads

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Years ago trolls would come on to the boards late at night and bump threads to the front page.


Not just 1 or 2 or 3 threads, oh no, we're talking page after page after page of nothing but old threads that were brought to the forefront by trolls.


It was difficult, if not  impossible, to separate the old threads from new threads.



The Mods got tired of dealing with that garbage, so they implemented the rule of no bumping of threads that are over 1 year-old.







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Another board I am on retires them to an older section and locks them, but we can see see them.

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Could be so we can look up recipes or old advice without adding to the thread.