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Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

My issue is most ikely with the IT Dept.  The problem is that when you place an order there are WAY too many times that the proper picture of the item you're buying is not showing.  It's showing another item.  Now, it's an item from the same merchant but even so it makes me feel that...well, ut oh.....what if they ship me the wrong one.  It's SAYING the right item but still the corresponding picture should really be showing.  I mean, let's get it together.  It makes me very uncomfortable.  I DO like that I can choose to have my shipping UPS all the way and it only takes two to three days for delivery.  Please, guys can we fix this soon.  Thank you.

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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

I don't think I've ever had that happen.  The picture often shows a color different from what I ordered but it's always the same item.


Keep in mind that if you pay for UPS shipping, it doesn't affect the processing time at QVC,  which alone could take 2-3 days or more.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

Thankfully, I've never had this happen. If I'm completing an order and the item I was buying wasn't showing up, it would make me delete the order and try again. Neither do I have any issues with whatever shipping source they use. Sorry you've had problems and hope it gets straightened out soon. If I see too many issues with what I want to purchase, I take that as my sign that I didn't really need the item in the first place Woman LOL

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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

Never happened to me either, that they are showing a different item.


DIFF color, yes it may be pictured in, but never a different item.


I order a lot, and the item I order is the only item ever being pictured..


If the picture is showing red and I ordered blue....the Wording of my color is always right so no need for concern.


I can see and read the color ordered.

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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

@77yangya  As long as the text on your order is correct, I wouldn't worry about the picture.


I  think this is not a common or widespread problem.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

I have never had this happen either.  I just placed an order a couple weeks ago and it was fine. 

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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

@77yangya, I've had it happen a few times over the years. When I did order one item presented like that, I received the wrong item. The last one I really wanted had the same problem. I did notify customer service and requested that they make the correction. I waited but they never changed it so I did not order.  I did however have a happy ending with that piece. See belowWoman Very Happy

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Re: More items added on American West Jewelry website


‎04-15-2023 05:43 PM

I have wanted this Yeibichai cuff for a long time but the listing was wrong here at QVC and they did not correct it. I was not willing to part with the $300 because I was afraid they would send the wrong item.


I was able to get it on Am....z..n today for $119 and another 10% off. It is on clearance here for $149.50 and only the small size. They had all 3 sizes.

I'm right here waiting for yaWoman Very Happy

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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

I've seen this happen three or four times—in about three decades of shopping. If you post a message with "moderators" in the subject in this Customer Care forum and provide the item number and the error, it will quickly be forwarded to the IT team so they can correct the problem. I did this once and the listing was updated within a few hours.

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Re: Not Sure Where This Issue Belongs

I have not experienced that issue but more often "Picture not Available." It can be that way for a long time. Recently.I was looking at the small McKenzie Child treat jar and three  pictures were not shown.