Honored Contributor
Posts: 38,064
Registered: ‎06-11-2011

Move items out from this search of the site

[ Edited ]

Several times a day, I search Goldstein As Is to purchase LOGO items As Is. (As one of your hosts recommended, I do not search LOGO because I then get a lot of sports items with team logos).


My search yields all LOGO As Is items except for two at the very end. They are always at the end of my search and are included but should not be.  Will someone please get these items off the As Is search with the other LOGOs?


They are:


A Denim and Company As Is shirt - which has nothing to do with LOGO:


And a LOGO necklace that is a clearance item but is not an  As Is item:


I would love not to have to see these any more at the end of my daily searches.  Thanks in advance for your help.



Honored Contributor
Posts: 38,064
Registered: ‎06-11-2011

Re: Move items out from this search of the site

@Susan-QVC  Would you or someone else please make sure to forward my issue  to the appropriate QVC people? Thanks.

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,681
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: Move items out from this search of the site

@Pearlee  I will definitley pass along your suggestions.