Posts: 21
Registered: ‎10-06-2014

MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

The Prive Revaux Claudia reading glasses haven't moved since 4/30, if the order cannot be fulfilled I should be able to cancel. I also should be able to contact a CS person in some way!! Please don't tell me this is due to short staff, I understand that part, however, if an item is sitting in limbo, we as customers should have the right and ability to cancel. Please help me with this situation.

Posts: 0

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

Hi @Curvesahead I am so sorry and can certainly understand your disappointment. If you like I can submit a request to cancel the order. 

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Posts: 2,070
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

I had a Barefoot Dreams cardi in process for 17 days before shipping.  It is stated to arrive tomorrow. There is still hope


Posts: 21
Registered: ‎10-06-2014

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

Hi Alice, Yes, if nothing can be done to truly, physically get them on the truck within a day or so, please see if you can cancel. Thank you for such a quick response. I look forward to hearing what the outcome is. 

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎10-06-2014

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

[ Edited ]

Keep hope alive @SFGIANTSGIRL :-)


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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

I had an item that was "in process" for 10 days, and when I called Customer Service they told me that it doesn't mean the product isn't moving. She explained that because of the virus, they are at about half their normal staff, and so the changes in the system  as to where the item is might now may not have been entered to reflect in the tracking. It doesn't mean it hasn't been moving along.


I have seen that happen before when something shows no movement for many, many days, but then it pops up at my doorstep, on the estimated delivery date, and sometimes a day early or a day late.


Hang in there!

Posts: 0

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

Hi @Curvesahead unfortunately I cannot help with moving the order along and the warehouse is doing their best, however we are having delivery delays. I will request the order be canceled and see if that can be done. Please keep an eye on it to see if it cancels. 

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎10-06-2014

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

Ok, I understand.  Thank you for responding and doing what you can. 

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎10-06-2014

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

Thank you @World Traveler, fingers crossed

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎10-06-2014

Re: MOD! Processing since 4/30! Please help!!!

Hi @Anonymous , I have the same style of glasses on check in a different color, if I release that order so that I don't lose the featured price, and pray THEY will be sent out, will you please extend the courtesy of waving the shipping fees if the original pair ever does show up. Thank you