Posts: 48
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Is it just my iPad or did QVC change their page?  It is not showing items on air where I can click and order!  Really frustrating!

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎03-17-2010
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Re: Items on air not showing

I have no problem seeing "Items recently on air."  It must be you!


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Re: Items on air not showing

I'm not having a problem on an iPad. There were recently a couple of softwear updates.

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Items on air not showing

Are you using the app or the website?


People have been complaining that the app has had several problems lately.


No problems for me on the website.

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Posts: 510
Registered: ‎11-14-2013

Re: Items on air not showing

I much prefer using the website ....for me easier to navigate and find what I want... I tried the app...Did not like it at all... I do not use it....when I'm either browsing or shopping...there is always an annoying pop up suggesting I use the Q app

...."no thanks." the past I have made suggestions regarding problems with the app...but to no my opinion .it needs to be redone...

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Posts: 9,058
Registered: ‎05-15-2014

Re: Items on air not showing

It happens on the website too and I generally use my desk top.  If I am curious about an item and just want to see colors available many times I only get a picture with no color choices and the video doesn't play either.  I also can see the review stars but cannot access them!  Doesn't matter much to me as I am not purchasing many items these days but they are most likely losing sales.   @Jesttalking2 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Items on air not showing

When I go to the 'recently aired' items and click on a specific show...many, many times, I get the notification that they are having trouble loading those items.  


I am not sure the exact wording but it happens a lot.