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Issue - being charged on Free Ship day

I just spoke to CS after seeing I was charged shipping on a item ordered today. Sorry to say I have to followup with another call to CS once the item ships for the refund. The item is already flagged in process so I could not cancel and reorder to see if the free ship would stick. I'd take a look at your orders. I asked CS to report this issue but we know that won't any traction.

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Re: Issue - being charged on Free Ship day

If I'm understanding you correctly, at this point CS can't make the adjustment to your order and you have to call once the item ships to be credited for the shipping. Sometimes items fall through the cracks. A slight pain perhaps, but no real big deal, especially when it's so easily rectified.


Any time I've been shown shipping on an item on a free shipping day I call Customer Service and point out the the free shipping didn't apply. I then place the order with them at that time.

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Re: Issue - being charged on Free Ship day

I haven't had any trouble with the free shipping, but the online system has just crashed again and the message is to phone with any orders.


Not doing that; I can imagine the phonelines will be overwhelmed, too.


Honestly, QVC's system must be so antiquated that the only thing to do is to scrap it and start over with newer technology.

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Re: Issue - being charged on Free Ship day

I have been unable to checkout since around 7:00. I tried calling a few times, but I have a life. I tried to log out and log in again. But nothing! I have been waiting, but I have had no success.  I see this as a sign that this over 50 gal is supposed to save her money.  I am off to bed. 

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Registered: ‎03-12-2017

Re: Issue - being charged on Free Ship day

Oh my, simply suggesting customers check their orders. Customer service rep started her shift at 2pm and will be answering calls until 1am. Simply, a system glitch out of her conrtol. I rarely look at my orders after placing them but did this time. 

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Re: Issue - being charged on Free Ship day

In addition it looks like some people were able to get free shipping after midnight this morning.  Is that due to time zones?  I've never seen anyone complain in CT, MT, and PT that they could NOT get FS until it became midnight in their time zone.  


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Re: Issue - being charged on Free Ship day

[ Edited ]

@avid shopper - Well, the details said it ended at "11:59 PM ET", so I would think that those in other time zones were able to access the free shipping earlier than we were and it would end in 24 hours whichever time zone you're in.


I can't see QVC's system being so robust that it could allow for the different time zones.


It was a mess.