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I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

.. for more reasons than I can possibly list .

. .  after all these many years, and after all my many, many Q purchases..

. . . .  *very sad*


Feelings are simply human
How we deal with, ..or express those feelings .. is our choice
. ~ . Please be kind . ~ .

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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

[ Edited ]

You might want to leave Feedback at the bottom of this page, but you'll need to be more specific. 


From my experience, those with influence to change things don't read this Forum.  

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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

@TwinkleBell    Your post is pointless and not conductive to discussion unless you can give reasons or complaints.  What are we supposed to say after you state you're disappointed?  The logical thing would be why?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

I understand.  I am also after 25+ years.  Now I just get the skin products I like or go on their site.

The CS hasn't changed in the last few years, not as good, but not all of the CS.  They don't have the capilities other companies give their eployees.

It's has the same stuff, not like the earlier days of better programs.  Fun programs.  Kirk's follies was a hoot even if you did or didn't buy stuff from them.

The Victorian programs, the professional but still fun hosts.

It's hard to explain, but I know what you mean.

Try HSN.  They are still pretty good and the CS seem to have more capalities to help the customer.

I think they are trying to capture a much younger crowd.

They have never in all the years fixed their online problems, just more pop up.

Lot you, it's hard to pinpoint it, but it has really changed like everything else in the world.



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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

Really?Woman Wink

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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

@TwinkleBell wrote:

.. for more reasons than I can possibly list .

. .  after all these many years, and after all my many, many Q purchases..

. . . .  *very sad*


@TwinkleBell Okay, so you can't list all the reasons. How about listing just one of them, maybe the worst one, so we have some idea what you're talking about. 

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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

What happened???

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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

@TwinkleBell  I am sorry you are feeling this way, but your post is quite perplexing. Please provide additional information to help us better understand the cause of your dissatisfaction.😊



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Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

@SandySparkles    You are always so nice.  You should be in customer service sector. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,055
Registered: ‎06-13-2010

Re: I'm really really, really disappointed in QVC.... *sigh*

@CoffeeNut Your kind words brought a big ole' smile to my face, and I thank you for them.😄



~~~All we need is LOVE❤