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What happened to the product GP66? I have been buying it for a long time here at QVC and lately, it's not even listed on the website. Will you be selling this item again in the near future?

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I remember seeing it at Home Depot and Lowes.  Check Walmart too. 

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I mostly see products like that in January/February but I thought it would still be online.

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@Roy1956 wrote:

What happened to the product GP66? I have been buying it for a long time here at QVC and lately, it's not even listed on the website. Will you be selling this item again in the near future?

That's wack!! I looked to see when I got my last order and was 7/31 so I have some left but it's weird that it's off the inventory.

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@Spacrazy @Roy1956 @lynnie61 @ciao_bella 


may I please ask what this is?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@LTT1   It's a "grime buster" cleaner. I use it as a de-greaser when nothing else seems to work. Stove hood, garage floor, etc. Hope this helps.

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Oh I get it! Ok! Thx!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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There was a TSV of 3 bottles on July 6, and was the only order this year.

