QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,505
Registered: ‎10-12-2015

@bebe777 wrote:

@Susan-QVC wrote:

@WorldTraveler wrote:

@Susan-QVC YUP! I went back into the post I just did a minute ago, and it gave me the option to "delete."  YAY!  Smiley Happy 

@World Traveler @Sweet_Serenity @sunshine45  

On my end I do not have the ability to delete my post, good to know, thx !!



@Susan-QVC @World Traveler @Sweet_Serenity and @sunshine45, I've also deleted maybe 8-10 posts in the past 3-4 months.


That said, I think I've always deleted it pretty soon after I posted it. -- For example, if I've accidentally done a double post, or if it turns out that someone had already started a similar thread. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

@bebe777@Sweet_Serenity@sunshine45@World Traveler


We did check into this and it we found out that posters have the ability to delete their own comments as long as it is not the original post, but they cannot delete an entire thread, or if anyone has replied to their comment. 


I hope this helps!



Customer Care

Honored Contributor
Posts: 42,131
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Barbara-QVC wrote:

@bebe777 wrote:

@Susan-QVC wrote:

@WorldTraveler wrote:

@Susan-QVC YUP! I went back into the post I just did a minute ago, and it gave me the option to "delete."  YAY!  Smiley Happy 

@World Traveler @Sweet_Serenity @sunshine45  

On my end I do not have the ability to delete my post, good to know, thx !!



@Susan-QVC @World Traveler @Sweet_Serenity and @sunshine45, I've also deleted maybe 8-10 posts in the past 3-4 months.


That said, I think I've always deleted it pretty soon after I posted it. -- For example, if I've accidentally done a double post, or if it turns out that someone had already started a similar thread. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

@bebe777@Sweet_Serenity@sunshine45@World Traveler


We did check into this and it we found out that posters have the ability to delete their own comments as long as it is not the original post, but they cannot delete an entire thread, or if anyone has replied to their comment. 


I hope this helps!



Customer Care





ahaaaa.....that make sense! when i went to see if there was a delete button on my earlier post it wasnt there, but someone had replied to my post. i could have sworn though that i have deleted an original post with no responses posted, but maybe i am mistaken.

thanks so much @Barbara-QVC and @bebe777.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein