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Hi Everyone, Thank you so much for your enthusium for the new Customer Care Forum. 

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Posts: 3,358
Registered: ‎02-21-2014

Great idea @Customer_Care!



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@Anonymous and the rest of the QVC @Customer_Care team, this is such a great idea. It's a wonderful way to help streamline issues like this which folks discuss in the various QVC forums. -- Now we can just direct them to this forum for help. Smiley Happy


Is there a way to create a "sticky" for this thread so that it's always the first thread that people see when they come to this forum? -- Or you might just want to float this thread to the top of the page, which you've done in the past in other forums when you wanted to make sure that everyone saw a particular thread.


Thank you all for creating this forum!! Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Customer Care

[ Edited ]

@bebe777What a great idea! I will share it with our management team....a sticky would be great!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,660
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good idea to,establish this separate forum.  I am sure you will hear a lot of complaints so I will,start you off on a positive note.  In over 25 years shopping with QVC I can count on the fingers of one hand the problems that I have had and I cannot recall any issues that were not resolved satisfactorily.

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Registered: ‎05-11-2012

@Anonymous@Customer_Care, 👍

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,605
Registered: ‎06-27-2010


        A wonderful addition to the Community, @Customer_Care and @Anonymous!


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
Valued Contributor
Posts: 665
Registered: ‎12-09-2013

 Great idea!  Y'all are so ambitious when it comes to helping the customer.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,802
Registered: ‎04-19-2010

Great idea! Thank you!

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Posts: 932
Registered: ‎11-01-2010

I would like to complement Customer Service! 

This morning, I called CS and conversed with a woman named Barbara. She showed empathy, handled my questions in a professional manner and gave me the answers I needed.


I found it to be a very comfortable experience.


Thank you, Barbara!


PS  I would like to be able to turn off easy pay on my entire account.   I often use "speed pay" and most times it doesn't even register in my mind that the item may bill on "easy pay".  Plus, it is an extra step for me to have to go back into my account and check and change the payment method to "full pay".  Yesterday, my credit card company denied a QVC withdrawal because there were too many QVC transactions, that day.  For me, this whole headache would be eliminated if I could just change my account to "no easy pay". 

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela