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Registered: ‎09-01-2022

BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

I just tried to place 2 orders just now and while the totat was correct with the shipping removed the easy pays breakdwon includes shipping.  I called customer service.  If they place the orde it is correct, if you placed the order on line it is wrong.  CS verified the problem but all I was told was that who ever she contacted would report it to IT but couldn't tell if or when it would get fixed.   I said you are screwing people right now and it doesn't seem to be a priority.  She offered to place my order and I decline because i won't spend money with a place that is not concerned with screwing over their customers.  Don't know how long this has been going on.  She verifed the couple items I place just after midnight they appear to correct so I dont know when the problem started but I would advise everyone to check your oders (not that the easy pays show on your order status after the order is place).  I told them I just happened to catch it but what were they going to do with everyone orders that were wrong and can't be canceled she said she was QVC would correct.  To that I said HA, QVC never corrects there mistakes until a customer has to point it out to them and that qvc has proven time and time again they will not fix snything uless they are prompted by a customer and not because it was their error to correct.  That is my experience. So check all the way through the billing process to make sure you didn't get screwed

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Posts: 112
Registered: ‎09-01-2022

Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

Forgot - any you wont know if or when they fixed it because QVC would never admit it made a mistake or communicate that they have a probelm and then communicate when it fixed.  They as usually just leave thier customers hanging  and they want to know why the are having finanical troubles.


If you are online business you should have a working online system not what qvc has that is evident in all the forums.  There are too many website problems and quirks and bad functionality for it to be a serious retailer


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Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

@why again    I just placed an order. The shipping and handling was shown in the check out box and then subtracted from the total. The sales tax was added and the total was split into 5 easy payments with no S&H. Are you saying that after you placed your order the S&H was added back in somehow? That would be really strange. I have never had that happen. And according to my order that did not happen. 

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Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

@why again    Thanks for the warning.  I'm the last automated ordering person left I think, so this wouldn't effect me.  However, I hope all those who use online ordering will read this and call.

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Registered: ‎09-01-2022

Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

What I am saying if you divide the order total which does remove e the shipping by 5 payments it does lower than the easy pays listed on the page before you place the order and I verified with CS the easy are still wrong after the order is pacec. In essence you are paying the shipping anyway
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Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

Thanks for the heads up! I placed 5 orders today. Three had no easy pay and there was no shipping. The two easy pay orders had $5.50 worth of shipping hidden in the easy pay payment! 

Posts: 58
Registered: ‎05-06-2019

Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

I've placed three separate orders online today, and they are all correct. I did notice that in my order history two of them did not show the easy pay breakdown, but when I looked at my email order confirmations they were all correct and showed the easy pays. 

No one there is trying to short change any one, glitches between computer systems happen. 

I have found that not only for the benefit of the customer service agent, but my own spirit it behooves me to be kind.

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Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

[ Edited ]

@why again     My order was for $56.99 plus sales tax of $3.42 for a total of $60.41. It was divided into 5 easy payments of $12.08, ($60.42 divided by 5= $12.08.) So where does the S&H come in? Math doesn't lie. Can you please explain how your easy pays were wrong? Because I still don't understand what you are saying other than you think some how you were charged S&H. 

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 112
Registered: ‎09-01-2022

Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

Exactly the problem

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 112
Registered: ‎09-01-2022

Re: BEWARE!!! if ordering on line right now using easy pays you will get screwed

yes you found the problem