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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

While I can't speak about the legalities of it, I wouldn't object if it could solve a crime. One thing I said to the kids is that I wouldn't lie to protect them. Even if it's family, I believe that someone who commits a crime should be punished.

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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

I just just 5 minutes ago talking to friends about this.  I definitely think it should be kept private.


My daughter submitted mine a year ago.  Not because I asked her to, but she was really into that stuff.  


I know most of my real ancestry and I keep telling her what they said is totally true (about my mother).  


My grandmother was 1/2 Cherokee Indian (my Dad's mother).  Her mother was a Cherokee Indian.  I was raised by my grandmother and my dad so I know all of this is true.


I'm in my 70's so it doesn't bother me as much as it would if I was younger.  Of course they could use it against other members of my family.  But I guess she didn't think of that.


There is nothing private anymore.  My friend said she saw where they showed Prince's body on TV!  Good grief!  Everything goes these days, doesn't it?  Ugh!

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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

When you grant permission to upload you data to an open, voluntary website seeking further information on relatives, you no longer have confidentiality.  You are doing this voluntarily.


If you participate in Ancestry or 23 and me,  it should stay confidential.


In this instance, law enforcement was within its rights.

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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

Seems like it is mostly out of our control now.  WHat I mean is sure we can just not submit our spit to 23&Me or whoever but our kids can and that's all it takes!  Or a cousin....someone close in your family tree.   That's how they found this guy. 


I am not concerned about how the police/FBI tracked down this killer/rapist....I think how they did this is brilliant!  I am thinking that if they had your DNA from birth maybe the crime rates would go WAY down as you would get caught right away.  Of course criminals can try to be careful and avoid leaving DNA at a crime scene just as they do with finger prints.  But I believe it is much more difficult to do that.  





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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

23andme is already keeping the DNA on file, and they're tied to the government.  I wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot pole even if they swore everything was destroyed.

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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

Since I have not committed any crimes, anyone can have my DNA if they want it.  Like Dr Phil says " if you have nothing to hide, you hide nothing".

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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

For those interested in the specifics of the DNA, I'm re-copying this from my post on the thread about the killer. 


It's an excerpt from an article in the Mercury News in which hero Paul Holes, lead investigator who had retired but continued working the case day and night, explains exactly how he found the killer.


The details are IMO amazing and remember, that DNA was uploaded voluntarily to GEDMATCH by the relative.



"The hits on DeAngelo came from third and fourth cousins, Holes said. Family members directly related to DeAngelo’s great, great, great, great grandfather dating back to the 1800s when families would often have 15 kids. Holes and his team built out more than 25 different family trees. The tree that eventually linked to the Golden State Killer was so large, it contained about 1,000 people, he said.


“I’m not familiar with any other case used to capture someone like this,” Holes said.


California law limits such “familial searching” using the state’s criminal DNA database. And major companies, such as 23andMe and, require a court order for law enforcement to access DNA files stored in their databases."



If anyone wants to read the entire long article here's the link:


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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

Just want to reiterate: and 23andme. would not cooperate with LE on this case.  They refused.  They could not be compelled.



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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

@151949 wrote:

When I got my DNA kit I had to go to Ancestry's website to activate it. One of the questions was if I wanted my results shared or kept private. If you say private - only you get the results.If you say shared they are public.So it is all in your own hands what happens to your results. Also they asked if they could use the DNA for other purposes like research. Your choice.


It's only as good as the IT department or person using the software.  I filled out a form at a doctor's office online and it had some privacy options.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered it wasn't implemented as I directed.  I made them correct it but people really don't know how their data is used, even when they think they do.

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Re: would you object if & 23andme gave your DNA to LE to help solve crimes?

I wouldn't submit my DNA in the first place, but if I had, of course I would mind if they "shared" it.


This serial killer being ID'ed is a unique incident, out of the norm; most crimes are easily solvable; it's the prosecuting where the problem lies IMHO.