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update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

They have upped the missing count from 18 to "dozens" of people... the town affected has only 1000 people in it to begin with... the rescuers are not able to get to the area very well ( the slide is a mile long) due to instability... today is nice and sunny, but a rain system is coming in tomorrow and for the rest of the week which will hamper any rescues.... It is a horrible situation all the way around.

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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

Yes, it IS HORRIBLE. i cannot imagine my loved ones suffering such a fate, and not be able to attempt rescues because of conditions on the ground. It's just awful.
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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

Yes, gazelle, it's heartbreaking. I have a feeling that when all is said and done, the toll will be high.
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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

There are 108 names on the list of people who've been reported missing or unaccounted for in the weekend mudslide in Washington state, authorities said Monday.

Snohomish County emergency management director John Pennington said that's the consolidated list from various sources that authorities are working from, and it doesn't mean there are that many injuries or fatalities.

"It's a soft 108," Pennington said at a news conference

Among the missing are construction workers coming into the neighborhood and people just driving by. Pennington added the slide occurred on a Saturday morning, when more people were likely to be home.

He said authorities are still holding out hoped but noted, "We have not found anyone alive on this pile since Saturday."

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

I saw the headline on KOMO's site about no longer hearing cries for help. Just reading the headline made me start crying. I feel so sad for them. I hope they put up a link or more information on what we can do to help.

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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

On 3/24/2014 RedConvertibleGirl said:

I saw the headline on KOMO's site about no longer hearing cries for help. Just reading the headline made me start crying. I feel so sad for them. I hope they put up a link or more information on what we can do to help.

A sad thing I heard was that one of the many cries the rescuers could hear that first horrible day was that of a baby...... it makes me so sad to hear that....

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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

I couldn't Imagine being involved in a tragedy such as this. How horrible. The mud from the slide blew through the area in a matter of minutes. No time to evacuate. How horrible. My thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted.
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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

The picture of the area before the slide and then after is horrifying. Someone said the affected are is the size of 500 football fields.
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Re: update on missing people in landslide in Washington state....

I tried to call a friend of mine who lives on the Stillaguamish near Darrington. I don't think she is as far up as Oso, but I worry because she is right on the river. I only got a voice message. At least though, they said the river seems to be plotting a new course itself and they are hoping the worse case scenario of massive flooding has passed.