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@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@Dragonflyveb wrote:

I was banned for non-participation too. I guess for life cause I couldn't rejoin after several months.





@Dragonflyveb  -  As small as that group is, you'd think they would let us former members rejoin.  I can understand if we can't rejoin because we were violating rules or something.  

@San Antonio Gal @dragonflyveb 


I would "read" rather than post.   I have been "banned" also...    di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@San Antonio Gal,

I know, right?


I didn't know why I was banned til someone on this forum told me they banned members for non-participation. One day, just--poof!


It appears we are in good company...



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Well, I did go on as I mentioned in my earlier post.  I hadn't posted anything on there since something like September 2023 and I couldn't for the life of me remember my password.


So, I just hit the "Forgot Password" button.  Got an email to reset it and was back in.  Clearly, I haven't been banned for lack of participation.

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I found those board difficult to read and ponderous to use,  without much substance.  It's been over 2 years since I last posted or looked there so I'm sure I'm out too.  Don't care enough to make the effort to check

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I was banned simply because I tried to help San Antonio Gal log back in to Pro Boards.   I asked them a question about her logging back in,  and was told I had spoken to someone from another board (QVC board) and that's against their rules!
  Total ridiculousness!    Oh, and of course, the troublemakers that are part of both boards, here and there,  did their fair share of lurking and running back to tattle and make sure it caused a problem of banning.  Some people just love to be miserable and mean!

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  1. U

@ciao_bella wrote:

I was banned simply because I tried to help San Antonio Gal log back in to Pro Boards.   I asked them a question about her logging back in,  and was told I had spoken to someone from another board (QVC board) and that's against their rules!
  Total ridiculousness!    Oh, and of course, the troublemakers that are part of both boards, here and there,  did their fair share of lurking and running back to tattle and make sure it caused a problem of banning.  Some people just love to be miserable and mean!

I was disgusted that a particular poster from there would not respond to San Antonio Gal's question.

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I tried those forums out a couple of times, and they just weren't for me. Just as well as I'm trying to reduce my on-line footprint and spend more time engaged with others in real life activities. 

~Not new, never been banned. Every time I take a break I have to re-register for some reason~
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I signed up when they first started and rarely posted.  If they have banned posters for not participating then I'm sure that I must be banned too...oh well I just don't really care all that much.

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@ciao_bella wrote:

I was banned simply because I tried to help San Antonio Gal log back in to Pro Boards.   I asked them a question about her logging back in,  and was told I had spoken to someone from another board (QVC board) and that's against their rules!
  Total ridiculousness!    Oh, and of course, the troublemakers that are part of both boards, here and there,  did their fair share of lurking and running back to tattle and make sure it caused a problem of banning.  Some people just love to be miserable and mean!

i saw that go down. Jeez. They run a chat board, not the world. Maybe it's the only power TPTB over there have in real lilfe. Which is very sad.

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Its own bazaarly comedic hypocritical principle is the "First Rule of Fight Club" mentality. 

Dare to discuss the ProBoard on any site outside of the ProBoard site and you are in violation of the rules and qualify for banishment. But the very discussions and posters here on the QVC message board are the food for fodder that spikes the activity over on ProBoard. Too funny. A two way street that can only flow one way.


And a reminder to all that discussed already in this thread your ability to sign in over there...well...oops, you just screwed yourselves by breaking the Fight Club cardinal rule. Hope you don't use the same identifiable nickname over there.