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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@dooBdoo wrote:

@cherry wrote:

I don't need to be told how to think ,or what to think. I can figure that out all by myself


If they were up there spouting religous opinions, I doubt that it would get the same stamp of approval


          Again, they're not telling us how to think.   They're simply expressing their views.   Regarding religion, I regularly hear award recipients thank their Higher Power or make related remarks, and I never see complaints on the forums about that.




You're a wise woman dooBdoo, and unlike some, you have said nothing divisive, in fact, quite the opposite.  I have to wonder how weak one must be in their own convictions to be concerned that listening to a 40 second speech is some type of indoctrination. 


It is funny, as you said we don't see any complaints about the thanking God remarks, and as you pointed out many of the recipients mention "thanking God" at some point during their speech. I can't imagine being so upset by this as to be thinking "Hey! That person is trying to turn me into a believer. How dare they!


I guess as long as it's fits their agenda it's okay. It's only when it veers out of agreement with their own POV that it matters to certain people. 



    Well said!    

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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

[ Edited ]

@wildcat fan wrote:

@cherry wrote:

I don't need to be told how to think ,or what to think. I can figure that out all by myself


If they were up there spouting religous opinions, I doubt that it would get the same stamp of approval

How ironic coming from the same person who recently tried to pass off a satirical article as real news.  😂

I explained I didn't know what it was when I posted it, and apologized for it. The onion is satire and I didn't see the source. If I had I wouldn't have used it

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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

@cherry wrote:

No one is forced to hear about a party they don't like ,in an entertainment venue. If I go to the movies I don't have to hear it. If I watch an old movie on TV, they don't do it


If you watch the Oscars ,that isn't the case. You are a captive audience. I would feel exactly the same if the situation was reversed . I don't watch programs to entertain me, for any other reason than that. I get more than enough of it on TV news, and I am talking about all channels ,not singling out one


Am I in the Twilight Zone or are you not the very same person who posted this earlier to KatCat1?


"You are in control of what you watch. She is in control of what she says


It's an easy fix"


Perhaps a good word of advice would be for you to take your own. Problem solved, right?

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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

Yes and that is why I don't watch them, and haven't for years

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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

[ Edited ]

SusieQ_2 wrote:

dooBdoo wrote:

cherry wrote:

I don't need to be told how to think ,or what to think. I can figure that out all by myself


If they were up there spouting religous opinions, I doubt that it would get the same stamp of approval


          Again, they're not telling us how to think.   They're simply expressing their views.   Regarding religion, I regularly hear award recipients thank their Higher Power or make related remarks, and I never see complaints on the forums about that.




You're a wise woman dooBdoo, and unlike some, you have said nothing divisive, in fact, quite the opposite.  I have to wonder how weak one must be in their own convictions to be concerned that listening to a 40 second speech is some type of indoctrination. 


It is funny, as you said we don't see any complaints about the thanking God remarks, and as you pointed out many of the recipients mention "thanking God" at some point during their speech. I can't imagine being so upset by this as to be thinking "Hey! That person is trying to turn me into a believer. How dare they!" 


I guess as long as it's fits their agenda it's okay. It's only when it veers out of agreement with their own POV that it matters to certain people. 


          Thanks, @SusieQ_2!   I appreciate the encouraging words.   It's hard for me to comprehend the notion that hearing viewpoints that challenge our own is somehow a bad thing.   (Hence, my siggy: "If we resist reading what we disagree with, how will we acquire deeper insight into what we believe?   Things most worth reading are precisely those that challenge our convictions.   (anon)").  

          I'd absolutely detest living in a world in which I was surrounded only with those who all have the same views.   That's a vacuum, and a dangerous type of isolation.    I like to learn...  to really listen to and think about all the different ways people see the same issue.   Sometimes I even change my mind.   I surely hope we don't morph into a society that accepts, encourages, and applauds suppression of opinions.



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

@ms traditional wrote:

i wonder how we jumped from whether actors are paid to wear clothes -   to current tilt of discussion.


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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

@makena wrote:

Apparently she has a very high opinion of herself.  She's become overbearing, loud, and overly aggressive and seems to think she speaks for all women.

Someone with the talent, success, accomplishments,  intellect, and compassion has every right to have a high opinion of herself. Much more than those meanspirited individuals who put down every woman they can in order to elevate themselves from their own mundane lives. I have never seen Meryl Streep be overbearing, loud or assuming she spoke for every woman. No one can do that. You may not agree with her, but that does not give anyone the right to denigrate her.

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

I recall a pro football player who prayed very openly and extensively before football games.


Did those who think Streep was out of line also think that the foothall player was?

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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

If he did it privately,no.. If he did it in front of a mic for attention, yes

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Re: no Chanel for Streep/Oscars

@cherry wrote:

Yes and that is why I don't watch them, and haven't for years


     Add me into the will not watch group!  I will find out the names of the winners on the news.  This show should ONLY be about the awards and accolades for the winners.

      But it always turns into political matter what side the audience it on. Said it before...wrong time and wrong place!!