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Re: government free covid test is now LIVE

@sunshine45 : Mine were delivered yesterday. The were made in USA with expiration date of January 2023.

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Re: government free covid test is now LIVE

@SouthernBee wrote:

@sunshine45 : Mine were delivered yesterday. The were made in USA with expiration date of January 2023.







we received 4 single boxes of the flowflex brand. we have used this brand before for testing and are completely satisfied with their accuracy. ours are made in china and are good through the end of 2022.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: government free covid test is now LIVE

We ordered ours on Jan. 18 and got them Jan 27.  We got 4 test, two in box, not expiring until October 22.   The box said they came from a lab in Mass.

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎11-11-2020

Re: government free covid test is now LIVE

Mine came today from Jersey City, NJ in a white padded envelope and expire this July. Boo. They were just made this January.

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Re: government free covid test is now LIVE

Have yet to recieve mine.  No one I know who ordered has recieve theirs.  No biggie.  If I get them I get them If I don't, I don't.  

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: government free covid test is now LIVE

I ordered Jan 18 (day before the orig go,live date).  Never got a confirmation, but got two emails last night, first for delivery 2/14.  Then a second email updated for delivery today.  Arrived, and expire 12/27/22.  I had bought two boxes the week before the government went live.  All family members in PA - we all got ours this week.  All ordered 1/18.