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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

doobdoo.......perhaps this may be of comfort and help to you, and others who grieve.

my dear doobdoo,

i hope you will return to the qvc bb's and remember you are loved by many and we are concerned when you have not touched base with us.

i hope this newest information brings you some comfort, and a better understanding of what you are experiencing with the loss of your beloved husband.

doobdoo please look at this link below and know you are in my continued prayers, and the same applies to anyone else also struggling to cope with the loss of a loved one. it is certainly very difficult and most painful so we need all the help and support we can find.

my prayers are with you all.......and soon my husband's and mother's 2 year anniversaries will be upon me as they both died within 2 weeks of each other.....i know these types of grief loss and coping information helped me try to understand, cope and better accept what i could not change, after losing my husband and mother who both died unexpectedly.

may God bring us all inner peace, wisdom, and a better understanding of coping and acceptance to carry on our work here on earth, until we are again reuinted in everlasting life with our beloved departed loved ones.