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Posts: 600
Registered: ‎11-09-2014

@goldensrbest wrote:

This is just common sense i feel, this is ovc hosts,and their forum, if you post nasty comments,they are going to remove your post.


^^^Common sense.

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Posts: 8,179
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Another thread went poof. 

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Posts: 11,069
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I most certainly do complain to managers in brick/mortar stores if a salesperson is problematic.


Can you imagine being in Macys, Sax, Target and seeing an associate dancing, would you tolerate one preaching to you, would you want to be ignored while two salespeople carried on a conversation overtalking each other while you waited to ask a question about a product they were hired to sell?


There are legitimate complaints.