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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 GoodStuff said:

I haven't reviewed the Republican proposal, but I surely will.

In the meantime, women's insurance realistically should be more expensive, because women's healthcare is more expensive! Women go to the doctor more and have more medical costs associated with reproductive health.

Birth control? Why should the government or anyone else be expected to pay for your family planning? We always paid for our own birth control without complaint, and it makes perfect sense to me for people to handle this very personal responsibility themselves. Many effective forms of B.C. are not expensive. Somehow, in a few short decades, we have moved from a time when B.C. wasn't widely available to "the pill" and multiple modern forms of somehow expecting that society owes everyone the cost of having s*x without consequences. Why should anyone expect this? This isn't "throwing women under a bus". It's fiscal reality and expecting personal responsibility and accountability.

So let's say YOU pay for your BCP, yhen decide to get pregnant. Now you will possibly have no maternity that acceptable?
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

It isn't the end of the world as we know it. A couple, a man & a woman. a Mother & a Daddy, CAN and do manage to bring forth life into this world withOUT the help of the government.

It isn't THAT hard. No pun intended. Smiley Wink

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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 Qwackertoo said:

Always worked for Fortune 500 companies. Usually in the Fortune 100.

BCP was NEVER covered.

Paid for it myself.

And you should NOT have had to.

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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 Qwackertoo said:

Always worked for Fortune 500 companies. Usually in the Fortune 100.

BCP was NEVER covered.

Paid for it myself.

So what? Preexisting conditions where disallowed then too. Just in case you weren't aware the chances of your kids getting a job out of college that even pays benefits are slim. Fortune 500's aren't what they were. Nothing is.

Do you want that for your kids just because you had to? Wow

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Re: alternative healthcare plan

How can anyone justify NO coverage for maternity care?
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Registered: ‎06-12-2013

Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 bikerbabe said: How can anyone justify NO coverage for maternity care?

""They"" can.

It's disgusting that any woman would go along with this.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

Well, the committee is all men.

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Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 madzonie said:
On 2/7/2015 GoodStuff said:

I haven't reviewed the Republican proposal, but I surely will.

In the meantime, women's insurance realistically <em>should</em> be more expensive, because women's <em>healthcare</em> is more expensive! Women go to the doctor more and have more medical costs associated with reproductive health.

Birth control? Why should the government or anyone else be expected to pay for your family planning? We always paid for our own birth control without complaint, and it makes perfect sense to me for people to handle this very personal responsibility themselves. Many effective forms of B.C. are not expensive. Somehow, in a few short decades, we have moved from a time when B.C. wasn't widely available to "the pill" and multiple modern forms of somehow <em>expecting</em> that society <em>owes</em> everyone the cost of having s*x without consequences. <em>Why should anyone expect this?</em> This isn't "throwing women under a bus". It's fiscal reality and expecting personal responsibility and accountability.

So let's say YOU pay for your BCP, yhen decide to get pregnant. Now you will possibly have no maternity that acceptable?

Decades before the ACA was a twinkle in our legislators' eyes, I paid for my own family planning. It worked. When my husband and I decided to start a family, maternity costs were covered under a healthcare plan that had nothing to do with the government. Maternity coverage is nothing new and is not dependent on the ACA. People deciding that the government owes them the cost of birth control and that someone else is obligated to pay for maternity costs and even child-rearing expenses for children they can't afford, don't have insurance coverage for, don't have the family structure to raise or support.......well, that's a new attitude. One we'd all do better without.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

On 2/7/2015 Qwackertoo said:

It isn't the end of the world as we know it. A couple, a man & a woman. a Mother & a Daddy, CAN and do manage to bring forth life into this world withOUT the help of the government.

It isn't THAT hard. No pun intended. Smiley Wink

Are you for ending government subsidies for children in the form of tax deductions and childcare credits? Why should someone without children pay more taxes than those who choose to have children?
It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Posts: 2,234
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: alternative healthcare plan

Thanks GoodStuff, OMGosh what in the World was I thinking? 529's, IRA's, long term planning? That is just CRAZY thinking. hahahahaha I know, it must be the evil thinking and influence of the greedy rich . . . oh how horrible. Independent. Successful. Thrifty. Those are just curse words. HOW Horrible.