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Your Address Image On Google Maps

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Have you looked at your address on Google Maps?  Is the image of your house recent or is it time they updated it?

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

Mine is from last summer, I can tell because our HOA had cut out a chunk of our lawn to replace.

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

Mine is 8 years old. Since I have seen the Google vehicle driving around many times updating the maps, I am fine with not wasting gasoline just so my house paint is current. It you look at the pictures you would still know it is the house.

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

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lol for some reason my google pic is correct but if using gps it will take you to a house down the road. This is why I also do not have a physical mailbox. We built our home a few years ago but the county has never updated our address accurately. This really scares me in the event I ever needed to call 911.  

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

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Mine is old.  You can only see a tree (they must have zoomed into the big tree out front), a trash can at the curb and part of my old next door neighbor's car & driveway.  They moved 8 years ago.


ETA:  I just checked and mine is dated July 2013.  More than 10 years old.

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

Mine is hidden behind a very large tree, but from what I can see of it, it appears to be two paint jobs/10 years ago. 

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

Mine is from this summer.

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

Mine looks to be about four years old. But a friend of mine that lives on the North end of town is only a few months old because the new vehicle he got is in the picture

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

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Just looked it shows 2022. I don't care if they update it or not. It's still going to look the same?

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Re: Your Address Image On Google Maps

Mine is recent (from this summer)

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