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Re: Young man released from N Korea Fred Warmbier

the parents' description of his condition in Otto's last days was hard to hear. i can't imagine the agony it caused them.  they handled everything with such calm and dignity that one wouldn't have known the nightmare that was happening in the background. with his shaved head, "rearranged" teeth, scar on foot, blindness, deafness and brain damage to back up their claim of torture, they are requesting that No Korea be put on terrorist country list.  by the way they said he was "kidnapped," so i think that poster story could have been a frame-up. so very very heartbreaking.

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Re: Young man released from N Korea Fred Warmbier

The story of the banner is just that, a story.  A mother asked her son (or a friend's mother asked this young man) to STEAL a banner (off the walls of an off limits floor) in North Korea for a souvenir??????


Accepting a child's death is probably the most difficult pain a parent can face.  Not knowing what happened but seeing the results would make it unbearable.

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Re: Young man released from N Korea Fred Warmbier

Its my opinion that if we ever find out what is really going on with the

citizens there it will make Nazi Germany look like a kindergarten ....

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Re: Young man released from N Korea Fred Warmbier




Watched a live interview on Fox with his parents that I DVR'd. They explained some of the details of what was done to him while held in custody in north korea. Very sad to watch how much they and their family have suffered. Will stay away from saying anything further.







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Re: Young man released from N Korea Fred Warmbier

As the mother of a son in college, I wept out loud watching that interview! I can not even imagine as I sit here sobbing as I type this! 

I will say one thing and then stop, it was NO human being that did this to Otto, it WAS monsters! 😢💔

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Re: Young man released from N Korea Fred Warmbier

@wvumountiefan wrote:

As the mother of a son in college, I wept out loud watching that interview! I can not even imagine as I sit here sobbing as I type this! 

I will say one thing and then stop, it was NO human being that did this to Otto, it WAS monsters! 😢💔

@wvumountiefan, my son is also 22 yrs old & in college, I am right there with you.  

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Young man released from N Korea Fred Warmbier

I had to stop watching, too emotional for me.  God Bless his mother and father, the pain has to be unbearable.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam