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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

@Mominohio wrote:

@italia8140 wrote:

@GingerPeach wrote:

@violann wrote:

I'm almost embarrassed to post this, but I was raised on a farm, the cow barns across the footpath, the horse barn diagonally to the left down the hill, and the piggery and chicken coops on the left up the hill.


I cannot describe how much I miss "farm smell". At this time of year, back-to-school and putting in silage, also a soury, icky stench was accompanied by the ceaseless din of the gas engine that powered the shoot that blew the silage into the red ceramic block silos. 


I feel heartily sorry for people who are appalled by farm odors, and I totally and completely understand it. It really is sometimes like being on the inside of a dirty gas station bathroom. But oh my, how I miss it.


Blessings to all of you farmers who help to keep us fed and smell farm smells every day!

Real farm smells can be wonderful since they come from healthy animals raised in healthy ways.

Horrid smells come from any sort of "factory farming," or CAFOs.  Not to mention the cruel conditions those poor animals are forced to endure.  They should be outlawed.

No farm smells smell WONDERFULL. The fresh air where I live at the BEACH smells WONDERFUL. No comparison.



You may not be used to farm smells, and they may seem offensive because you haven't been exposed to them for extended periods of time, but a good, old fashioned, properly and not over stocked farm has smells that grow on you if given enough time.


They are the smells that feed this nation, and much of the rest of the world. They are the smells of independence and self reliance. They are the smells that coexist with knowing you can feed your family (and others). They are the smell of life. Again, not those mega farms with animals stacked on each other, those have a horrible stench.


Much is in the 'nose of the beholder' when it comes to smells. I have always thought oceans and beaches stink. There have been times I've been to beaches and didn't notice an odor, but most times, there is a smell that isn't pleasant to me. I'm sure if you live there, it becomes either unnoticable or familiar, but not much different than what others are used to in the 'smells' of their everyday lives.

  I'll ALWAYS take beach smells over OFFENSIVE farm smells.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

Why shoot, Honey, I'd take beach smells over OFFENSIVE farm smells too.

It's the yummy, earthy, homey farm smells that some of us hanker for.

You just have no way to know what you're missing!


Once again mominohio, you have managed to convey in three paragraphs all that farm life was to me until I left to go to college. Such lovely memories!

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

@violann wrote:

Why shoot, Honey, I'd take beach smells over OFFENSIVE farm smells too.

It's the yummy, earthy, homey farm smells that some of us hanker for.

You just have no way to know what you're missing!


Once again mominohio, you have managed to convey in three paragraphs all that farm life was to me until I left to go to college. Such lovely memories!

 Why shoot, honey, YES, I do. I'm NOT missing anything. I'm just enjoying the clean, fresh, ocean air, EVERY DAY!!!

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

When I was growing up, my parents and I lived in a "double" house.  Anyone from the northeast knows what I mean.  The wall seperating our house from our neighbor's was not very thick, sounds and smells traveled through.  Our neighbors were an elderly couple originally from Eastern Europe.  Every now and then a horrific smell came from their house.  It was something being cooked and we had no idea what it was.  I've been told that it was probably kidneys as they can be quite smelly.  It was disgusting.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

@this is my nic wrote:

When I was growing up, my parents and I lived in a "double" house.  Anyone from the northeast knows what I mean.  The wall seperating our house from our neighbor's was not very thick, sounds and smells traveled through.  Our neighbors were an elderly couple originally from Eastern Europe.  Every now and then a horrific smell came from their house.  It was something being cooked and we had no idea what it was.  I've been told that it was probably kidneys as they can be quite smelly.  It was disgusting.

Sounds like the DISGUSTING farm animal smells.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

[ Edited ]

I went to my friend's farm after work today and came home feeling refreshed.  We went on a 2 hour trail ride.  The smell of the woods, the leaves, my horse (yes he smells wonderful to me), it just calms me and is so soothing after a long day at work.  


There was a slight breeze.  Chipmunks kept scolding us along our journey, a few deer and their spring babies now looking very big, stared and then bolted off.  We loped up the final hill and the horses were breathless at the invigorating!  And the view up there was amazing!


My friend's husband baled hay from one of their fields and the smell of fresh hay is what greeted us as we rode their long driveway home.  It was almost intoxicating, it smelled so sweet.


I love the country.  The beach is a nice place to visit, but the country is my solace.  Thank God we have been given such a wonderful choice of places to enjoy and inhabit.   

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

Also beautiful heartfelt comments from you, kalli! Thank you! We are INDEED fortunate to have the myriad of choices available to us in our wonderful country.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

[ Edited ]

@violann wrote:

Spot on mominohio. Some people want the whole world to smell exactly as they do, and some people prefer a symphony of smells AND smellers.


I think there's more than enough room in the world for smells and smellers of all kinds. Bring 'em!

"A symphony of smells". Perfect! And yes, it makes for an interesting life, to experience and come to embrace many kinds of smells. Not really any different than embracing various kinds of music, or art or any other life experiences. Variety is, indeed, the spice of life.

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#1 As far as the OP, what if the neighbors didn't choose us?  Where will we go?   I have great neighbors now, not always true.  Of course living in the middle of a 2 acre lot doesn't hurt.


#2 Farm smells can be comforting to those who have been around them their whole lives. Depends on where at you are on the farm tho.  Silage pits aren't a favorite, but give me a hay filled barn any time.   There's so much more to farm smells than poo. Smiley Happy

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Re: Wouldn't it be great if we could all pick our neighbors?

I have a neighbor I don't speak to at all - I'm sure I'm the one at fault and the animal hater. Their dog "accidently" got out all the time because they forgot to put the "shock" collar on for the invisible fence. Well, the first year I was in this house the dog would bark in my backyard every time it saw me walking around the house. I made mention of it several times - still the same excuse - forgot the collar! Then her son and his gf moved in - oy - he would let the dog out all the time. And the dog used my yard as its toilet. I have dogs, always did - I clean up after them and they were small dogs - this was a retriever I was cleaning up after - big difference!! One night I was in my yard with my dogs and this dog came charging up behind me (it was dark on that side of the house) and scared the "**it" out of me - lol. I got my dogs inside then watched as their dog, yet again, used my yard as a toilet. I had had it - I bagged it and threw it on their front walk - believe me, they were lucky I bagged it. A few weeks go by and my DH takes my dogs out - he comes back inside and lo & behold there is a trail of dog poop through my house - I hit the roof. Next morning I go out and the dog is loose again and a pile of **it on my lawn. I walked down to their house and the gf answered the door - I explained who I was and I was tired of cleaning up after their dog - she could have cared less - no apologize, nothing. So I told her if I saw the dog loose again I would call animal control (I wouldn't, but I wanted to shock them). Things were good for a bit then they rescued a dog which now gets out too - again, forgot the "shock" collar. I took it home once and walked away hearing her "sob" story of how she forgot the collar. Next time it happens, I'm going to tell her to change her story I've heard this one for 5 years. I call them the Stupids - because you can't fix stupid!! My other neighbors are very nice, keep to themselves and considerate. By the way, I'm an animal lover and have had pets my whole life!!