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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

Where cash is involved, proof of income is required. When you get a mortgage, don't you have to prove income?


This doesn't seem an unreasonable request, how can they know you qualify for a cost reduction otherwise? Should anyone who just asks get it? The exception would be someone receiving medicaid, since they would have already authenticated their qualifying income.


You may ask what income qualifies and if assets are included. That way you would know if you would or wouldn't  be eligible for the lower cost. If you wouldn't qualify then no need to even give it thought.

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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

I lost my pension so I would be interested BUT I would need a thorough explanation before making a decision....just saying no doesn't work for my situation. 

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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

Absolutely not and furthermore, I'm not interested in the test. 

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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@SurferWife wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@SurferWife wrote:

@Mindy D wrote:

@Anonymous032819 @On It @@You would pay the $750 rather than the $75 to keep your tax information secure

I know this wasn't addressed to me, but emphatically YES, I would rather pay $750 instead of $75.  No way would I divulge PII to some company to save money!!



In the process of determining eligibility, they already have access to that personal information. 


They wouldn't have mine; I wouldn't give it to them.




But if they took the information they DID have on you from various sources, they could run a credit check and even go farther than that, if the claim was high enough to warrant doing so.  They could also access sources from years ago to get the info to find out what they want about your finances.  



Perhaps you're missing my point.  I would not give anyone any information...not even my name. There is no information to take if I don't give it.

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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

this whole thread is totally laughable because it's based on some idea you have to provide your tax return to this laboratory. That's totally ridiculous. There are plenty of instances where you have to verify what your gross taxable income is, whether you are buying a house, getting an equity loan, etc.  

Just ask exactly what information you need to give them and how, I guarantee it the lab doesn't want your tax returns.

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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

[ Edited ]

@Bhvbum @Sorry, but you are wrong about this. They verify income to qualify for the special reduced price program using tax returns. Quoted from the application form "Must provide a copy of your most recent federal income tax form."

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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

@Mindy D   

Every year I have to submit proof of income for similar reasons.

But I've never been asked to submit any income tax forms.

Did they specify they wanted your tax returns? 

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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?


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Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?


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Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Would you take this risk to save quite a bit of money?

@shoesnbags @Sooner Smiley Very Happy but Smiley Sad


@shoesnbags wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

I  would think they want proof of income only because it is a need-based program.


Tell them to contact the Chinese or the Russians. They already know everything about us anyway.  


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