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Would like recs for good game apps

[ Edited ]

If you play any games on your phone or tablet that you can rec I'd appreciate knowing what you like. I currently play

Wordscapes, Scrabble, Wordscapes Search, CROSS WORD, Scrabble (free) and Wordl. 

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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

The only thing I play is words with Friends.  

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

From the same people who make Wordscapes, I like Word Stacks.  

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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

I play Sweet Candies2, it's one of those match 3 games. 

I find it very addicting for some reason.   


I've tried other types of games, including word games and the ones where you fill the bottles according to color, but got tired of them. Sweet Candies2 is the only game I play. There is an update but I haven't updated it yet.


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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

Try for a variety of games.  Free and a club to join.

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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

I play June's Journey, Mahjong and the Candy crush games 

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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

I mostly play games on my iPad...but you can go to and I think they have an app you can download for your phone. Tons of different games by topic, etc. they are not mindless however...really make you think, which is what I need to do at my age...keeps me sharp! 

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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

I play several candy crush games, solitaire, June's Journey, word fall and several others. I'm hooked on these games !! 

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Re: Would like recs for good game apps



Since 2017 I have played Words with Friends and the sub games ( Solo Challenge, Duels, Lighting Round (?), etc ).  I usually have about 30 games in varying stages of play.


up for a game....JJJJJ⭐️

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Re: Would like recs for good game apps

If you enjoy home decorating try Redecor. It's all decorating with rooms displayed and client's wishes listed. You choose colors, upholstery and decor pieces from those available on site. The supplies cost money which you earn through playing and bonuses. The actual game is free. In app purchases are optional.