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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

When I read this, I said to myself...."OMGosh, GLADYS KRAVITZ", leave that poor man alone and let him speak to whomever he wants to.  Are you afraid he is talking about you?  SMH.


See the source image

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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

Give us your yard man and your neighbors phone numbers.  We will call them and tell them to come over here to the Q Forums and read this thread...



See the source image


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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?


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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

I mean, I guess if he were sexually harassing my neighbors I would but I don't really know what he's doing exactly. 

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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

I'd dump him.  He sounds like trouble and doesn't listen to you.  When someone doesn't do what they are told, they should be fired.  That's pretty simple.



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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

[ Edited ]

There are  some things about your description of this man's behavior that seem odd and creepy. There are signs. First, he isn't afraid of blatantly disregarding your requests right in front of your face. Second, he is unaware of how he comes off to the ladies staying at the rental and to the owner of the house next door. He seems to have an inability to interpret environmental and social cues as well as having poor judgement and poor impulse control. He also gives very little thought to the logical consequences of his behavior.


 I don't think this guy is just a player. I think there's more than just a randy guy here. Something is not right with him. I would not be surprised if you found something untoward; some problem with women, in a background check. He could also be a type of misogynist. Another possible explanation is that he has an IQ well below average. Steer clear. Do not confront him or say he is fired. Since he didn't call you back, and he could show up in two weeks, I'd have some male relatives at your house on the day he is due back. You've got to think of an excuse that would not set him off towards you if you don't want him back. Maybe one of your 'sons' could be outside, ready to mow, when he gets there and your 'son' could say he was about to mow your lawn. 

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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

Sounds as if YOU like him ... you almost sound jealous of the attention he gives them.

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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

Who tells their yard person, that they can’t talk to the neighbor?

He probably disregards it, because he thinks it’s wacky!
What business, is it, of his client, if he speaks to the neighbor?

How do we know if he’s aware of how some people see him?

It sounds like he was doing the job he was as hired for.
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Registered: ‎03-30-2014

Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

Well at least if you fire him, there were be more free time for you.  

No more running out to catch a glare or to reprimand him or to spy out of the window.

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Re: Would You FIRE this guy?

@SuhseK wrote:
Who tells their yard person, that they can’t talk to the neighbor?

He probably disregards it, because he thinks it’s wacky!
What business, is it, of his client, if he speaks to the neighbor?

How do we know if he’s aware of how some people see him?

It sounds like he was doing the job he was as hired for.

@SuhseK I have told yard guys not to talk one neighbor!  I had some nutty neighbors with kids and told the yard guys to not interact with them because they were contentious.  


And if he'd not done what I asked he would have been gone.  They were a little nutty and I wanted to stay away from them.  They weren't there very long and I was glad when they left.  I didn't want trouble with them.