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Behind my home, I hope nobody gets injured.......





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how cute are they!

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@SydneyH, Wow, fantastic & scary at the same time ... we/I don't have bears in my neck of the woods ...

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OMG @SydneyH, how freaking adorable. I think I would geek out if I ever saw this. About 2 days ago I was driving on one of our busier streets and suddenly a mommy duck and 4 little ducklings decided to cross. Thankfully everyone stopped to wait for them. The traffic piled up as it was rush hour and everyone just watched this family leisurely cross the street. They were so cute. I can't imagine seeing a mama bear and her cubs in my back yard. You are so lucky. Good thinking to get a pick right away!

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Re: Wild Kingdom

[ Edited ]

@SydneyH wrote:

Behind my home, I hope nobody gets injured.......





Especially the bears.  Heart

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The mother was killed early this morning, now Animal Control is in the process of locating and removing the cubs.  We don't know why this didn't happen earlier in the week.

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Registered: ‎04-17-2015

Re: Wild Kingdom

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So sad that they felt they had to euthanize the mother, but maybe necessary.  Why couldn't they just relocate mom and kids Bear Mountain? (in upstate NY)

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Re: Wild Kingdom

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That poor mom,i sure hope they find the cubs soon.Was she hit by a car?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Wild Kingdom

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I live in a tiny one bedroom apartment. I can see my kitchen window from my bedroom.


About 15 years ago, I had just climbed in to bed, when I saw that my outdoor motion activated light came on. I decided to go to the kitchen window, peer out and see what critter tripped the light, expecting to see the usual raccoon.


When I looked out the window, the first thing that I noticed was that the critter was black. As my eyes traveled up the body, I noticed that the animal was big and black. When I took in the entirity of the animal, I realized that it was a full grown, adult black bear right outside my apartment!


I was surprised, but not scared.


My cat was laying on the window sill, and she didn't move or make a sound, but her eyes were wide, as if to say, "What the heck is that big thing?!"


I stood frozen, and just marveled at the beauty and power of the bear, as it sniffed around.


I marveled at the size of its paws and claws, the muscles rippling under its thick, black fur.


I considered myself blessed to have witnessed this magnificent creature, that was standing no more than 15 feet from my window.


The bear never knew that I was watching it, or that I was even there. Heck, it even didn't pay any attention to my cat! *lol*


It stayed for a few minutes, before it turned and ambled off in to the darkness of the night.


That's when I let out my breath that I didn't know that I had been holding.