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I ask myself every day what we are teaching our children, as soon as certain people open their mouths. 


My state requires masks in certain places and circumstances. I would wear one regardless, out of concern for others. That's a very important thing to teach children, to care about people other than themselves. Some adults never get to that point in their entire lives.


Anyone who thinks this thread is a lecture can pass it by- that's what some people say about every thread here, this one is no different.


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Re: Why wear a mask?

[ Edited ]

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Amelia98 wrote:

There's a contest for PSAs in New York that is very cool.  I watched all the submitted film entries and especially liked the one titled "THAT Guy".  We see "THAT Guy" everywhere these days.   It eventually will result in public disdain for those inconsiderate people not wearing a mask, much like how smokers are shunned.

How sad that a group of people find it appropriate to humiliate and shun others.  As already pointed out, there are medical conditions that would prevent some from wearing a mask.  What are we teaching our children.  Disgusting.

The same people will say they are the moral people who care about everyone and everything and then do something like this. So let's beat up the person  who has  breathing issues and can't wear a mask. It really is disgusting! 

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To be honest, the only times I've worn a mask is when I didn't feel like doing makeup, or if it was required, which is rare here.  I just go about my business and keep my distance.

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Well said.  I have a friend who works in a store and has high blood pressure.  She can't wear a mask.  

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@stuyvesant wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@stuyvesant wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Amelia98 wrote:

There's a contest for PSAs in New York that is very cool.  I watched all the submitted film entries and especially liked the one titled "THAT Guy".  We see "THAT Guy" everywhere these days.   It eventually will result in public disdain for those inconsiderate people not wearing a mask, much like how smokers are shunned.

How sad that a group of people find it appropriate to humiliate and shun others.  As already pointed out, there are medical conditions that would prevent some from wearing a mask.  What are we teaching our children.  Disgusting.

One thing we're not teaching our children is to jump to conclusions.  You don't wear a mask if you have a medical condition that prevents it.  The ad is to raise awareness among the people who can wear a mask, and aren't.


If you can't wear a mask because of a medical condition, you really need people to  keep their social distance AND wear a mask.


As far as 'shunning' smokers go, children learn at their parents knee to avoid second hand smoke, but everyone  welcomes smokers into their home, just so long as they don't smoke.  


I don't get how either of these things are disgusting.


Here are the five psa finalists, for anyone interested:


So how are you identifing those that are unable to wear a mask because of a medical condition from those that you choose to humiliate in public?

@CrazyDaisy Two things - I don't care why someone is not wearing a mask.  I do social distancing with everybody, masked or maskless.  I wear a mask to protect me, and I am also glad it protects everybody else.  In that same spirit, I keep my distance.


Secondly, I don't go around choosing who I'm going to humiliate on the street in any way, shape or form.  That would not end well for me in the long run.  It also might lead to a greater viral load in the area - in my area - and I'd deserve it too, for being such a snot.


My advice to anyone who can't wear a mask and has to venture out is to focus on the vast majority of people who will not bother you at all about it and forget about the few morons, if any, who do.

While that may be what YOU are going to do, that is not what Amelia98 was advocating in her post.  Which is who my response was directed.

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Yes, it took me awhile, but eventually thought the very same, but wasn't able to post until now.  

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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And five "thumbs up" to you!


It certainly is disgusting that some advocate "shunning" (and we know that poster wasn't simply referring to "avoiding") and "publicly humiliating" (that explains it) others in the midst of their virtue signaling.


"Wear a mask to protect others" can easily be used by control freaks to require everyone to wear masks during flu season. Not gonna happen; wouldn't be prudent. Though they should where mandated, people are refusing to wear them now. And neither Wegmans, nor Tops, nor Target, nor Walmart are jettisoning those customers, regardless of their not being in compliance with the order. There's no law in the penal code, no accompanying penalty, and no threat of arrest. And the people will not again accommodate most of the nonsensical edicts (working their way through the courts👍). If people are high-risk, they're the ones who should choose to stay home.


And let's stop spreading misinformation about masks. If I see one more post telling others who feel uncomfortable or who are are having difficulty breathing to "breathe through your mouth," I'm going to spit up. Stop it!


The last thing anyone should be doing is mouth breathing, especially when wearing a petri dish mask. It's easy to spot this in public, where you can see the fabric over the mouth going in and out, in and out, or masked people in cars flapping their gums (and, surely, breathing through their mouths while doing so).


Breathing through your nose has advantages other than filtering, humidifying, and warming the air we breathe. The sinuses release NO, which impedes the replication of viruses. This virus is new, but there's no reason to believe that it wouldn't be the case with this virus, too.


Then there's the oxygen component to fighting disease. Let's just say that, when cells don't get enough oxygen, they're not primed to fight disease--any disease, even those more serious than COVID.


So acquire a mask which fits comfortably, and through which you can easily breathe, and quit breathing through your mouth.



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Great visual @Jasmine19 !  I completely agree! As a person who worked in healthcare and is married to an MD, this just doesn't seem too much to ask for the public good; all people of faith are called upon to be concerned for their brothers. This is a good way to demonstrate that concern.



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@Jasmine19  I think we should all be wearing masks, too, but they are not required here in Florida and I don’t see many people wearing them. It always startled me when I do see one. 

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I don't like wearing a mask, mostly because it fogs my glasses, even if I try some of the tricks they say to prevent it, and in some places, I get too hot. 


But....I'm wearing one inside any building I go. I just don't think it is too much to ask of most anyone right now. I  don't feel it is too much of a violation of anyone's rights to do so right now.  While they say wearing a mask is about protecting others, I firmly believe it reduces my risk of taking in the virus, and it's all about reducing risks right now, not expecting any one thing to totally prevent.


I don't want to see it this way, but when I'm in a store, and I see those not wearing masks, I am tending to feel a level of hostility toward them (I'm not saying anything or acting on it, as I value individual choice and freedom to choose what you do). I feel like they are being obstinate and selfish. I know there are some who can't for some good reasons, but not everyone I see without one falls into that category. LIke I said, I don't want to feel that way, but it is just the way it feels right now. 


With people demanding we begin to open up (and yes, I think we have to get the economy moving again), I don't see it as unreasonable to do so with face coverings as a standard practice for now. I guess this is how we get so much government involvement in telling us what we have to do, because people don't do what is right or common sense, or cautious.