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Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

Stacey was doing a fashion show this morning around 7:55, had been on for less than an hour, and said Jayne was taking over. I don't think this was planned because Jayne was just now eating a breakfast bar, saying she hadn.t eaten yet. Did anyone else notice this and wonder what was going on? I'm home recovering from knee replacement surgery a week ago and QVC/HSN are keeping me company. Take care everyone.

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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

[ Edited ]

@Fifweg   I must have missed it,  when I tuned in Jane was hosting.   I never saw the changeover.   Are you referring to Stacey Rusch.  She is usually on QVC 2 and works nights.  

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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

A "bathroom run"   ???

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

@Fifweg    Maybe she was feeling ill or had a family emergency.  I know she has children.

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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

Yes, it was Stacey Rusch.


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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

I saw that too as I was getting ready for work. I was wondering if she maybe felt sick and had to leave?? She sure is a pretty lady...Hope she is ok.

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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

@Fifweg   what line was Stacey presenting?

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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

I do hope everything is okay with her.  She is definitely one of the prettiest ladies I've ever seen.


 But, she's not one of my favorite hosts.  I don't think she gives enough pertinent information describing items and she's constantly looking in the monitor after changing clothes.

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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

I noticed that as well and thought it odd.

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Re: Why did Stacey exit so quickly this morning?

@Fifweg   Yes, I noticed it as well.  There was definitely something amiss.  I hope she's feeling well.  It was about 8:50 am, so not a normal time to depart a 2-hr show.


Jayne had to quickly "pivot" (the term Jayne used later during her Denim & Co. show with Gary) and start hosting earlier than expected.  


Note that QVC's Program Guide online now says the show was Accessorize Your Spring, Stacey Rusch and Jayne Brown.


But before Stacey had to leave, the Program Guide stated 

Accessorize Your Spring, Stacey Rusch (no mention of Jayne Brown co-hosting).


I always check the Program Guide every morning to see if I'm watching or not.