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Re: Whoa…summer is in full swing here

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Each to their own and neither retail antics nor fall 'decor' are the issues for me, but this stinking, rotten, too hot, too humid, too rainy, too stormy, way too long summer can't be gone soon enough for me. Unfortunately, where I live, this mess is probably good for at least another month. Fall is my favorite and as far as I'm concerned, we could skip all but maybe a month of summer and enjoy a much longer fall.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Whoa…summer is in full swing here

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@stevieb Amen! I absolutely hate the heat and humidity of summer! One month of summer would be enough for me. LOVE the cooler weather and have never complained about a snowy day or shoveling the driveway. Fall is my favorite - bring it on! Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Whoa…summer is in full swing here

It has been a long, hot, humid summer on the coast of SC. I am so over it and I need a couple of days without sun.