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that there were some very strong grudges with even actors from the past....................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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OMG, Bette Davis and Joan Crawford! I read the reason they hated each other was because Joan C. had made Bette an "offer" she refused, if you get my drift! Don't know if that's true or not................

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There was the decades long grudge between Martin and Lewis. I think they buried the hatchet just before Dean Died. I had also heard about the Bette Davis/Joan Crawford grudge match. I think it was Bette who said after Joan died, "I was told only to speak good of the dead. Joan Crawford dead......good." This may be an urban legend, but it is rather humorous.

PS: I wrote the above before I went to the site and the actual quote showed up. I think of all Bette's comments, this is the funniest.

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The two famous sisters, Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine. Too many instances to relate. Rather sad, considering that they were sisters.

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So gossip, rumors, and innuendo about the living is no longer enough and we are now gossiping about the dead? At least the living have a chance to defend themselves.

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Oh yes, how dare we look at a site that has actual quotes documented from the past. We are all terrible, terrible people and should be condemned for eternity by those who have never done anything objectionable in their whole lives. It's just NOT that deep.

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I guess we can't all be as incredibly perfect as KYToby.

Good lord, is there ANYTHING you don't complain about???

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On 1/17/2015 YorkieonmyPillow said:

OMG, Bette Davis and Joan Crawford! I read the reason they hated each other was because Joan C. had made Bette an "offer" she refused, if you get my drift! Don't know if that's true or not................

WHOA................just WHOA.............................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Registered: ‎06-03-2010

I can't imagine anyone saying anything bad about Cary Grant............some of the others, well yeah.........but he always came off as a gentleman..................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Registered: ‎09-05-2010

His ex-wife, Dyan Cannon. Many in Hollywood pretty much rallied behind him.