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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

No, not really.  I am always at home during normal times.  There have been times when the only place I have gone to in a month will be the grocery store.  I have plenty of things to do here and outside the house now that Spring is starting.


Do I like "having" to stay home if I want to go out.  No.  But then places are closed that I might want visit. 

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

@SharkE   I'll send over a picture of me w/o makeup and you put it in front of his door.  He'll drop dead on site.

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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

Flattening the curve is one thing. But if "keeping people safe" is truly the concern, think about what's going to happen when those who've been cooped up and masked DO start to mingle when cases subside and the curve flattens enough for them to be "allowed" to do so.

That'll be long before a vaccine is developed, and this virus will resurface to infect people--those who didn't build up immunity--anyway.

To quarantine or order EVERYONE to "shelter in place"--or whatever else they're calling it--is folly. And there are many in the medical community, who understand immunity and how diseases work, who think so, too.

In the absence of a vaccine or a population demographic which would likely contract a mild form of COVID, doing so and becoming immune (which won't happen because they, too, have been cooped up and masked), the virus will resurface again (and again), once restrictions are lifted.

Harvard and Yale publications, Medscape, even National Geographic, and many others (including individual medical professionals) have addressed this. And it's not a new concept.

The virus will win (again, in the absence of a vaccine) unless it's allowed to die out naturally. And that means protecting the vulnerable demographic, while allowing the rest to acquire immunity.

What worries you masters you.
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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?


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Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I do have sympathy for you but....


I go into my large supply chain company which houses 300 employees everyday and am just waiting for the announcement that one of us is ill.


I really, really wish I could be at home right now, healthy of course.


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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

It's not getting to me at all. I refuse to let it! My elderly mother and everyone else whom I love are safe and  healthy so far. That means everything to me. I walk my dog and pulled out my Leslie Sansone dvds, which I've been doing every morning. My husband and I have a !itt!e cocktail hour every afternoon. I got to see two of my grands yesterday. We stayed six feet apart, and oh, those sweet, bright little faces and voices! So this too shall pass.

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

Not me!  Still doing the same as always except I never leave home w/o.....



All of the above stays in my car.


To be fair I live in the boonies therefore no crowds.  So I am still hiking in the woods & taking long walks around the community campus & hitting the stores.


I feel for you city folks.



"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

Next week will be starting my sixth week of this with only two trips out - one for surgery on my hand and today to take the stitches out.  I am a big reader but even that is getting old now.  I have mastered having groceries delivered (I was already very good at online shopping).  If the weather gets a little better I will try to get out and walk.  This a big change for me from my normal life - going to exercise class, library, movies, out to lunch or dinner with friends, etc. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,320
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

@Mz iMac wrote:

Not me!  Still doing the same as always except I never leave home w/o.....



All of the above stays in my car.


To be fair I live in the boonies therefore no crowds.  So I am still hiking in the woods & taking long walks around the community campus & hitting the stores.


I feel for you city folks.



I like that!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,320
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Who is getting tired of this,staying home?

I will be okay ,just a bad day, it will pass,been out with my dogs,feel better.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.