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Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

I recently purchased from Amazon Culligan Faucet Mount Filter



faucet filter.jpg








and Brita 10 cup water pitcher







water pitcher.jpg









and I will fill the pitcher with water that I had filtered through the Culigan.






Is it overkill?




Perhaps, but all I know is together, water that was just okay, now tastes crisp and delicious!




I find that not only am I drinking more water, but that I actually like drinking water now.



I mean, I did before, but now it doesn't seem like the chore that it was before.




I even got my dad to drink filtered water!





Do you use a faucet mount filter and/or filtered water pitcher for your water?

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

I feel the same way about my Waterlogic water filtering system.  It even has a UV system.  Ive tried many others and never liked anything connected to the faucet.  The others always had a charcoal filter that at times caused black specs in the water. 

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

I also use the Brita pitcher, have for many years.  I also buy bottled water and definately notice the difference between brands.  Some cheap brands taste better than a couple of the national ones.  I always use the filtered/bottled for coffee and tea or when making punch or other drinks in quantity.  Have thought about getting a home water system but DH said we don't need it....

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

When we first moved to Tx few yrs, ago we had a house built and in the country suburbs and we got a water well. Electric pump down in the ground and all you can see above ground is a round lid.


Anyway, the water had sand, grit, tiny rock in it. You washed your hair, drained your tub and there was a sandy residue always left over and your hair was never really clean.

We bought a whole house water filtering system installed from Rayne and it's tons better now.

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

My dog doesn't drink enough water. Maybe if I get a filter.....

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

maybe he drinks from the commode

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

You should taste the water from the Berkey water purifier. 

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

The aquasana that I purchased several years ago as a tsv is the best that I have tasted. It has saved a lot of money in bottled water, buying the flats And lifting them in and out of car. It is nothing but badly filtered water at that. Plus the disposal of all those bottles. 

The filters last about 6 months or more depending on use. My son and I drink a lot of water and it is 6 months as they claimed. It is a little noisy when filtering but we got over that.

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

I like my brita water pitcher, i use it for teas,coffee  water for my dogs in kitchen ,looked that other one mentioned that looks nice.

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Re: Who Knew That Water Could Taste This Good?

[ Edited ]

I use the 23 cup Zero Water pitcher to filter my tap water. You can definitely taste the difference. I have a filtering water fountain for my cats, I use the water from my Zero Water pitcher to refill the fountain as needed.