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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I don't like Standard Time.  Like others said, I hate when it's dark before 5 pm.  I don't like to drive in the dark and it is depressing to have so much bleakness.  

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

NO, not me dark , cold paying for heat, snow no!!!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I am so ready.

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I'm looking forward to COOL AIR lol. So call it CST or time change, Illinois needs a resbit.

As I write this we are in a drought with no rain for over a month and a half. 

We also are still sitting in the 90s....the AC unit has been tried for sure "(

I have a birdbath in the yard and everyday I have to fill it completely. All the birds squirrels and critters by night drain it dry, not to mention the heat.

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I hate it and will be counting the days till Spring. 

Getting dark so early makes me tired, I try and cram everything in the light hours of the day, and I don't like going out in the I hate cold weather and everything about Winter.

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

I like it, it gets the kids off the streets earlier and makes my neighborhood alot quieter at dinner time. 

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

So ready.  

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

We have a LOT of summer so I do look forward to cool temperatures, fireplace burning and cups of hot tea. I don't mind it getting dark earlier, just means hubby HAS to come inside at a decent time to eat dinner without me having to hunt him down out on the land somewhere.
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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

[ Edited ]

I admit I prefer the moody weather and time.


Adding:  I hate winter and snow.  I love cool rainy weather.  I wear a personalized necklace that reads "pluviophile" every day.

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Re: Who Is looking forward to Standard Time?

@monicakm , I am!   I love when it gets dark early.   It feels so cozy and peaceful to me.