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@mousiegirl wrote:

@SahmIam wrote:

I may be WAY off base here so, don't quote me on this:


I recall reading many a thread over the years about Jane and Greg and wondering who they were talking about (I didn't even know which host Jane was). Eventually through the threads the story appears to be that both started at QVC at the same time and he has been the cameraman for her specific shows for a long time and they are buddies (their families included) off air. She stated once that she looks good on air because he does so well with the camera (zooming in when she asks, zooming out, showing details, etc). They're a team and she wants him to be recognized for his efforts/hard work.


Honestly, I have to say that many a camera shot has ruined a presentation so I can see that being real.


Beyond that, I know nothing.


@SahmIam  Which Jane?

@mousiegirl  Shoe Jane.

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They are talking about Jane Treacy, the short one w/the short dark hair.  The other one spells her name Jayne, as in Jayne Brown.  She is tall and has dark hair, also, but wears it in different styles.

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On HSN they often will introduce the behind the scenes people as they are changing product.  IN fact they are pushing the product in on the presentation carts etc.  I like it.