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Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

My DH has Alzheimers and is on his 2nd pair of frames which he now broke.  We need a place that will replace frames if broken (like a year guarantee) and is inexpensive.  We know about Walmart but the one that fits his current lenses to a frame, is a fairly good distance away.  Do Lenscrafters do this kind of thing? And does anyone have recommendations for a "different" kind of frame that will resist abuse?  Thanks. We are desperate, as he can't see without the glasses. 

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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?


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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

Google unbreakable eyeglasses.  A few possibilities popped up.  Good luck. 

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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

I'll second as the best option. I bought titanium frames from them with progressive lenses and they cost less than $85. Titanium frames are nearly unbreakable and will return to shape pretty much no matter what you do to them. The quality is great and the price is unbeatable. The only downside is it takes about three weeks to get the glasses.

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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

[ Edited ]

are you a member, my suggestion would be to order 2 pairs so that 1 can be repaired and he will have 1 to wear (if that is affordable). Costco might be an option for you.


How about your local optican, they sometimes have older frames that might be discounted and they  could help you out in your situtation. 

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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

Never tried them.......but there's a company that advertises 2 pair for $69 (on TV).......called America's Best

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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

I agree with Zenni for an inexpensive option.  I don't know how unbreakable any glasses are, but you can check there.


With their prices, you could probably buy 5 pairs for what you would normally pay for 1 and at last you would have extras on hand.  it's a thought any way.


I do know that some of their frames are sort of rubberized so that might be something else to look into.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

Please DO NOT order anything online.  Every frame is different and you are trying to take the existing lenses and put them into a different frame will not work unless it's that EXACT frame that you had. 


I would take them to an opticians office and have them help you.  They will help you find the proper frame.



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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

I learned my lesson about cheap glasses decades ago....bought glasses at a store front (famouse one) deal was 2 pairs for $60.00.   Lenses were constantly popping out..........had to buy new again.

Buy from your eye doctor's selection.  Mine have lasted for years and years with no problem and they don't cost that much more..........but they last and last.


Cheap = you get what  you pay for.

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Re: Where do you go to get cheap glasses frames?

Cheap glasses frames - almost an oxymoron.


You know what you might consider?  QVC touts many of its sunglasses frames as being of optical lens quality. Joan Rivers always said that, but hers were for women. However, a lot of the fitover sunglass frames - like Jonathan Paul ones, come in large sizes too for men.  You could consider buying a pair of those - where the host touts them as being of optical lens quality (that is, you can take them to your optician and have precription lenses put in) and with the tax and S&H it'll still come to  under $50, and some are probably even on clearance.


I have a lot of different fitovers from QVC and my Jonathan Paul frames have worn very, very well in terms of holding up well.  They've taken a beating and are still fine.  I think I'd lose a pair before I'd actually break a pair.  Just a thought.....


Also, Walgreens sells one of the brands offered on QVC, although they aren't the highest quality ones. Polarshield.  You can check those out but I think the Jonathan Paul frames are much better.


Also, my neighbor buys all her prescription glasses from Costco and seems to get really great prices.  My prescription is extremely complicated so I only trust one particular optician in my town to make them (they are the best in the state); otherwise I'd go to Costco too.  So you should check out their frame prices if you are a member.


Hope this helps.