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Green Drop Donations will pick them up at your house. You have a choice of organizations they will be donated to.

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Registered: ‎06-13-2017

@GoneButNotForgotten  I know  a lot of womens shelters would take them as others have mentioned. If no luck, consider good will,   programs like dress for success that provide clothing for women that may not have adequate clothing for job interviews. Also some womens prisons( not county jails) need clothing for when inmates are being released to go home. They usually just give one pair of pants, shirt or sweater but need something to wear out the door.. Check with the salvation army , lots of natural disasters anymore . Goodwill is an excellent option. A lot of churches have donation " closets" that provide clothing and various items to those in need due to circumstances such as loss of home due to fire, loss of job, etc. 

. . Also in my town are donation bins in various places.    In my area there are several second hand stores some with very nice clothing that take your donted items and  resell them to support their specific charity such as housing  and treatment for homeless alcholic men. If nothing else check with a consignment store to see if you can sell them. Good luck. Glad you want to donate your items and not send to a landfill. 

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Registered: ‎06-13-2017

@GoneButNotForgotten  Forgot to ask yoiu. I could not help but notice the y'all. Do you have southern roots by chance?

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Posts: 381
Registered: ‎03-12-2010


I live across the pond from you on the Kitsap Peninsula.  Recently I donated some gently used clothing at Sallys. 

I agree with others who suggested contacting womens shelters .  

In our community we have a "Fishline "  which runs the foodbank and they also have a Thrift store .  It is another go to for me to donate clothing since the proceeds stay in the comminity ( unlike Goodwill)...Cat Happy  

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Registered: ‎05-21-2010

I don't think it is difficult to locate agencies or ministries that accept used clothes. I googled this for places that accept clothing in my area and pages of agencies and ministries came up. I would check with women's shelters, churches that have clothing closets, and ministries that serve the homeless and families in need.  There is a great need out there for these items. I would steer clear of business that resell your clothes. 

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Registered: ‎07-03-2018

Vietnam Veterans of America.  Schedule a pick up on line at