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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

Yep, same here. I used to live to work in my gardens. On weekends, I'd go out about 6am and work out in the heat till evening. The heat and humidity never bothered me then.

But now, after 2 hrs or less, I HAVE to go back inside where it's air conditioned!
* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

Same with me, I used to love the beach and going to the Caribbean resorts for vacation.   Living in RI I do still love the beaches but go much less than I did when I was younger.   Our summers are short here and that's okay with me........I always say I really don't understand why people constantly wish for summer, I could live without it at this point.

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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

No specific movie title comes to mind, but remember old movies where people were sitting outside in summer, hoping for a breeze?   They must have invented fans by then, but I don't recall seeing them in those movies.


All I can say is .... can we all have a moment of thanks for the invention of the air conditioner?  LOL   Even if I'm not using my AC, I am grateful to know it's there to turn on whenever I need it.  


How about you? 

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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

Yes, I am truly grateful for our central air conditioning.  It was one of the best investments we ever made. 

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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

I can't speak for others, but I know since I've gotten older, I cannot take the heat, sun, or humidity!  I used to lay out in the sun even though I am very fair and burn terribly.  When I was younger, I never let the weather get in the way of my plans.  


No -- you are definitely not a wuss!  You have to listen to your body!


I feel physically sick when I am in the heat and sun.  I just can't take it.  When I do things outside, I have to do them very early in the morning.  


I do admittedly get envious when I witness people of all ages out in the sunshine doing all sorts of things, enjoying the lovely weather but I can't do it and that is that.  I just have to accept it.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

[ Edited ]

@SharkE wrote:

check yourself all over for any dark spots even pink spots since you were like me when you were younger you did the sun.


I'm old now and I've had Mohr's surgery on the back shoulder for one tiny basal cell cancer, one small pink spot on right cheek that was excised, pre cancerous actinic keratoses (2) on nose that were froze off, bunch of other 'tweaks' that I just wanted to make myself better looking.   That liquid nitrogen they spray on you to freeze off pre cancer spots burns like H*ll for a few seconds, no fun. Mohr's surgery they give you lidocaine shots first then dig out the cancer and on both sides of the spot till they can make sure you have clear margins. then they sew you up and you have stiff bristle thread that you have to keep for 2-3 weeks till it starts growing back together.

In my case, it took 3 .


If it's anything I can preach on is stay out of sun. I wear a mask now outside at all times (spf mask that U order from Coolibar) I wear to sidewalk sales, community markets, any outdoors thing. I'd rather look like a idiot then go back to the dermatologist for another round.


I don't smoke, never did, but, don't smoke  either, makes you look old and is coffin nails.



I agree---I really try to avoid the neighbors must think Im a vampire!!! 🧛‍♀️


And you are so right about smoking.....2 dear aunts (one was my mom's sister, the other an aunt through marriage) both have passed away with lung cancer because they smoked like chimneys....


We preached to them all the time of the dangers and urged them to quit....but they laughed and said that studies show that non-smokers only live a few months longer and they felt smoking was worth the sacrifice....but then it came time to "pay the piper" and that was painful and difficult....I miss them a lot, but some people just wont listen and think they are immune to the sad....😥 PLEASE DON'T SMOKE!!!! And if you do PLEASE QUIT! 🚬  (Whats interesting is NONE of us cousins have ever smoked and never will!)

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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

@AngelPuppy1   I am also fair and was born blue eyed blonde but I tanned easily.  I don't remember getting horribly burned even as a kid.  A few times got pink and a tad tender but that's it.


Now, sitting in the heat and humidity is the last thing I want to do.  I will say a pool to jump into might induce to do it for an hour............except me in a bathing suit is never going to happen. lol

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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

If you can, install solar panels on your roof. We did it years ago and oh my gosh, what a difference in our electric bill. 


It's pretty pricey -- I think ours was about $20K -- but in some places the government will give you a discount and/or other ways to finance it, and it'll probably pay for itself in just a few years. I realize not everyone can--if you live in an apartment, etc.--but between the solar panels that lower the cost of our electric bills by a HUGE amount -- and installing a/c, summers are much more bearable than they used to be. 

I live in the Seattle area and we get a lot of cloudy days and nights but you'd be surprised at how much sun can still get through the clouds and on to your solar panels.

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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......

I didnt mind hot weather and humidity UNTIL I got asthma/ and allergies! Now it is dangerous actually to be in it for long periods of time sadly!

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Re: When Did I Become Such A Wuss.......



That must have been nice to be able to tan!  I always was envious of my friends who could!  But, I had to learn my limits - it wasn't good for me.  I feel the same --- if I had my own pool --- which I don't -- a refreshing dip would be nice --- but I would not be thrilled with myself in a bathing suit these days!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin