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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

[ Edited ]

@BalletBabe wrote:

@lulu1 wrote:

I've always been under the impression that they can block an account and a device.  Years ago many posters had just 1 computer.  Now the majority of people have computers, lap tops, ipads, phones, etc.  Other banned posters said it was easy to open a new account with a different email address, on another device.


If a daughter could post from an old account, why couldn't the mother?


If they don't ban by IP provider address then you could make a new account.  The problem is you could easily go to McDonalds or somewhere else tp post.   I am not sure how they ban.    All Iknow is that most people I was talking to 2 years ago are gone.   

Many  posters left willingly to join another board.

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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

[ Edited ]

@JaneMarple wrote:

Your sentiments are beautiful @dooBdoo but I'm skeptical of of this happening on these boards. Woman Frustrated


            Thanks, @JaneMarple.   I do understand how you feel.   (sigh)  Maybe it's a "candle in the wind."   After being here for 8 years, I've seen us try and fail but still I hope.   ("Still I rise... ")   And, at the least, I can say it's something I'm going to try and apply to the way I read and post...  and to life, in general.   You're another long-time friend I appreciate so much.❤️    Wish I could tell everyone individually that I care about them and I'm glad they're here...  especially now that we see people vanishing from the forums.   


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

Anyone who allows themselves to be hurt by strangers on a BB is emotionally immature. How could anyone have a grudge, much less hold it. Polite people apologize when their post has been viewed as insulting. Those who don't may feel it unnecessary just as some feel thank you notes unnecessary. 


No one likes everyone, nor should it be expected. No one is liked by everyone and sometimes it's an unintended compliment to be disliked. I always take it that way.






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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

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@occasionalrain I don't know if that's genuinely true, but I understand how you would like it to be that way. It would be so much easier if we could just let it all out and take out whatever is going wrong in ourselves on others with impunity. But people do have feelings and seems like it would be  whole lot better if we kept that in mind when we answered them cruelly or with the intent of shaming or belittling them. I admit that the bullies here always aggravated me because I am bothered by the fact that some people just want and need to hurt other people.

Sometimes what has been done to some of the people posting here including myself, has been unacceptable and undeserved. I know the reasons why people do it, but it is still unacceptable. I have been the object of this from time to time. I took a few years away and came back with a new appreciation for what can be gained by participating.


One thing that is valuable is to keep your time here to a minimum when you finally refine the qualities of listening more than commenting, and trying at least to tame your initial responses as best you can. I do remember the really terrible things that have been said to me and I will not forget them, but I have learned from them. But I remember just as vividly some who have taken up for me and those people are special to me. Of course! What you say here does matter, more to some than others, and more sometimes in your life than others. And there are some people who left who I'm glad are gone, honestly. And there may be some who wish that I woud just go away, and I understand that too. But I am what I am, and that doesn't mean that I'm against what they or anyone else are when we differ. 

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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

@occasionalrain wrote:

I would resent someone presuming to do my job for me, as though I were not up to the task. For that reason, I'll trust the BB moderators to look after the posts and I'll stay out of it.





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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

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@dooBdoo you sound like someone I'd really like to know and call "friend". I have read several of your recent posts, hearted some, and you have read and hearted some of mine. If you're looking for a hand across the land or sea, mountains or valleys, plains or forests, I'll reach mine out. 👋

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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

@occasionalrain wrote:

Anyone who allows themselves to be hurt by strangers on a BB is emotionally immature. How could anyone have a grudge, much less hold it. Polite people apologize when their post has been viewed as insulting. Those who don't may feel it unnecessary just as some feel thank you notes unnecessary. 


No one likes everyone, nor should it be expected. No one is liked by everyone and sometimes it's an unintended compliment to be disliked. I always take it that way.





 We're not you @occasionalrain!

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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

@occasionalrain wrote:

Anyone who allows themselves to be hurt by strangers on a BB is emotionally immature. How could anyone have a grudge, much less hold it. Polite people apologize when their post has been viewed as insulting. Those who don't may feel it unnecessary just as some feel thank you notes unnecessary. 


No one likes everyone, nor should it be expected. No one is liked by everyone and sometimes it's an unintended compliment to be disliked. I always take it that way.






Are you one of those polite people that you talk about?  LOL. Funny how you talk out of both sides of your mouth occasionalrain.  Your idiotic comments get a great big failing grade from me. 

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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

@occasionalrain wrote:

Anyone who allows themselves to be hurt by strangers on a BB is emotionally immature. How could anyone have a grudge, much less hold it. Polite people apologize when their post has been viewed as insulting. Those who don't may feel it unnecessary just as some feel thank you notes unnecessary. 


No one likes everyone, nor should it be expected. No one is liked by everyone and sometimes it's an unintended compliment to be disliked. I always take it that way.






@occasionalrainI am on the fence about emotional immaturity.  You have to realize that it isn't always the unkind remark that hurts in of itself; sometimes the unkind remark stirs up a memory from RL that has nothing to do with this board.


We all carry baggage; even you.  Grudges spring up and of course not carrying them is the better way to be-but for some it is a way of currying favor with like-minded posters.  Yes, it's a grade school type of immaturity but let's face it-is any adult really sparkling clean of any faults?


I agree that it is unrealistic to expect everyone to like everyone. We see faults in others that often belong to us and we refuse to recognize them.  One of the issues humans fail at and often miserably.


Apologies, imo, are a simply "I'm sorry-let's move on and start fresh".  No excuses.

To me the worst scenario with apologies is when they are not accepted.


I am assuming that "an insult is an unintended compliment" means that a person resents another poster's expertise/popularity/facts/etc?  I'm not sure what your point is on that line?

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Re: Whatever happened to the poster...............

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 @GenXmuse wrote:

I don’t report posts. I prefer their rudeness stand for all to see. 

I reported one post- the 'information' was provided from a white supremacist/neo nazi website.  The poster contended that the information was still true, and was not contrite!