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Re: What's Wrong with People?

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

@Cakers3 wrote:

@rms1954 wrote:

@PickyPicky3 They are human, individuals - not groups of perfection as we see it.  "People" act differently in different situations and their reactions are based on their own personal experiences and past and present.

@rms1954   There is a huge difference between the initial shock of witnessing a brutal crime and filming the incident on a cell phone.



@Cakers3 What kind of person films this kind of violent act. Can you imagine the victim knowing that people actually memorialized this in a video. Absolutly disgusting, and really unfathomable. 

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

[ Edited ]

@hckynut wrote:

@PickyPicky3 wrote:

A woman was raped on a Philadelphia commuter train Wednesday night at 10:00 pm in full view of the other passengers. No one intervened or called 911, even when the woman lost consciousness. A train employee entered that car for a routine check and immediately called 911.


Everything was caught on camera and the rapist has been arrested. 


According to police, there were many people in the train car.


How is this possible?


For more details, search SEPTA RAPE. 






Ever notice on the news there always seems to be a video, most I am guessing are made using a cell phone. 


Now what is important to you and I is someone helping this lady, or at least calling 911. To others getting a "like" on their social media for their video is a top priority. Thus, in my book, another reason I do not like cell phones, unless used as a telephone, period!


I am with you on this one. WWYD?  I am not sure, but if it were here in my City? I would holler, then pull out my 9mm, and go from there. Hopefully that would be all that was necessary to stop this atrocious assult.


It's a different world now and sometimes I wonder who is on our side!











Here in Texas lots of people "pack em" and that guy wouldnt be alive right now .... One time a bystander at a mall took down an attempted bank robber.....Its more like the "old west" here....

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

There are times as a bystander you have to use common sense. You have to assess the situation before getting involved. Does the perpetrator have a weapon. Are you putting yourself in danger. However, since most of us have a cell phone we can very easily call for help. That doesn't require any forethought. 

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

@mistriTsquirrel Thank you, very well said.  It's important to start with our young children to not follow the crowd and do the right thing, always help those in need and be kind. They are hard lessons once they start  school.   But with most lessons, they start at home.

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

[ Edited ]

Just want to say that I personally haven't seen any reports that people recorded the rape. There were security cameras in the train car.


Also, the Philadelphia Inquirer has an article today on what to do in this kind of situation.

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

@mspatmac wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

This isn't just a recent phenomenon, for those of us who remember the Kitty Genovese case in NYC in the 1960s.  If you don't, Google it.

@Pearlee Everyone thought someone else would call as I remember.  

@mspatmac   That case is cited in psychology texts as an example of the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility.  


Human beings are a lot like sheep, and most would like to think they have more integrity than the next flock member, but that's usually not the case.  Humans are mostly just going along with what everyone else is doing.


It is important for everyone to learn about this unsavory aspect of human psychology, and to make a conscious decision that they will not be someone who does nothing when something is wrong.

@mistriTsquirrel This bystander effect is actually a diffusion of responsibility. When a lot of people are there we feel less responsible to report an incident. We believe someone else will do it. 


This theory does not apply to people that pull out a cell phone to video something as opposed to calling for help. 


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Re: What's Wrong with People?

@manny2 wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

@mspatmac wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

This isn't just a recent phenomenon, for those of us who remember the Kitty Genovese case in NYC in the 1960s.  If you don't, Google it.

@Pearlee Everyone thought someone else would call as I remember.  

@mspatmac   That case is cited in psychology texts as an example of the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility.  


Human beings are a lot like sheep, and most would like to think they have more integrity than the next flock member, but that's usually not the case.  Humans are mostly just going along with what everyone else is doing.


It is important for everyone to learn about this unsavory aspect of human psychology, and to make a conscious decision that they will not be someone who does nothing when something is wrong.

@mistriTsquirrel This bystander effect is actually a diffusion of responsibility. When a lot of people are there we feel less responsible to report an incident. We believe someone else will do it. 


This theory does not apply to people that pull out a cell phone to video something as opposed to calling for help. 


@manny2  See my comment about humans being like sheep.

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

Pearlee, I remember the case and do not think I will ever forget Kitty Genovese. It saddens and sickens me to this day

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Re: What's Wrong with People?

@Foxxee wrote:

The problem today is you help someone and police arrest you for helping.'s that bad!

Where do you live?