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Hugs to (((blue skies))) I am so sorry to hear that happened to you. Smiley Sad
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Since I retired, I carry smaller handbags with just essentials: drivers license, debit card, one credit card, phone, a pen, comb, chapstick, gum, glucose tablets, crackers or a granola bar, keys, and hand sanitizer.

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(((((((((((Blueskies)))))) I am so sorry that happened to you. It takes awhile to get over the horrible feeling of being violated. I still to this day remember how awful it felt...twenty years later.

I hope you are able to replace everything without too much work. And once again, I am so sorry...

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Registered: ‎04-21-2013
On 3/8/2015 Alley Catvocate said:

((( Blueskies))) sorry to read...

Thank you, emt, pqfan and softraindrops. I'm trying to get my mind off from it but

I need to call so many places etc.. Then when I get new cards, I need to change all my auto pays.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010
On 3/8/2015 Blueskies2 said:
On 3/8/2015 Alley Catvocate said:

((( Blueskies))) sorry to read...

Thank you, emt, pqfan and softraindrops. I'm trying to get my mind off from it but

I need to call so many places etc.. Then when I get new cards, I need to change all my auto pays.

One might want to alert the 3 credit bureaus. That way no one can open new cards with your name and ID.They can put a notation on your reports.

Best of luck and hope things go smoothly for you. Take care!

Regular Contributor
Posts: 176
Registered: ‎04-21-2013
On 3/8/2015 SoftRaindrops said:
On 3/8/2015 Blueskies2 said:
On 3/8/2015 Alley Catvocate said:

((( Blueskies))) sorry to read...

Thank you, emt, pqfan and softraindrops. I'm trying to get my mind off from it but

I need to call so many places etc.. Then when I get new cards, I need to change all my auto pays.

One might want to alert the 3 credit bureaus. That way no one can open new cards with your name and ID.They can put a notation on your reports.

Best of luck and hope things go smoothly for you. Take care!

Thank you....that's the first thing I did but I'm such a sorry case that I might have forgotten

so I appreciate the reminder.

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I don't know! I'm afraid to go in there. I found 4 pair of glasses and dog treats the last time I went in. {#emotions_dlg.blink} I think there is a checkbook and probably mail still in there. Maybe some lipstick, flashlight and phone charger.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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On 3/8/2015 brewhaha said:

a joint

LOL !!!

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Registered: ‎06-25-2013

The better question would be what's NOT in my purse. I usually carry a D&B Logo Lock and it literally holds just about everything. In my class my friends would tease me that I had everything for an emergency and call me "mom", which is funny since I don't have kids. If they needed a bandaid, cough drops, a nail file, gum or tissues...I had it. I try to carry a minimum of stuff though because it gets too heavy. Usually just my wallet, a small daytimer, tiny change purse with jolly ranchers or other hard candy, a comb, lipgloss/lip liner, and hand lotion. Then I put my sunglasses and water bottle in there to transport. Various things end up getting put in there depending on the day, but it's nice to know I can carry a lot if I need to, it's like a small luggage tote. Of course, whatever I happen to need always disappears to the far most realms of my bag. It's like the Bermuda triangle of purses. Smile

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Registered: ‎06-25-2013
On 3/8/2015 Preds said:

I don't know! I'm afraid to go in there. I found 4 pair of glasses and dog treats the last time I went in. {#emotions_dlg.blink} I think there is a checkbook and probably mail still in there. Maybe some lipstick, flashlight and phone charger.

Haha Smile I know what you mean!!! Hi Preds, long time no see. Next time you need to venture into your handbag, let a friend know how long you will be gone so they can send a search party if you don't return. Or just tie a safety rope around your waist. Wink