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I recently got a roku express...another smarter-than-I-am gadget to add to the collection.   It seems to work, but I don't understand what "streaming" is.   ( I got it so I can have TV in the bedroom rather than falling asleep in the chair in front of the TV and waking up cramped and crumpled.)

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Streaming means you are accessing program from an online site such as NetFlix, Amazon Prime, Hulu or PlayStation Vue to name a few. The nice feature, you can binge watch shows.

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Streaming is a constant feed of data that you are watching or listening to in real time ( usually with a small buffer) vs downloaded data which is physically located on your device. Streaming requires an active internet connection from the host to the recipient. 



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Thank you both.   It makes some sense now.

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Re: What is "streaming"?

[ Edited ]




Simplified, I hope.


Assuming you may be familiar with "downloading" files onto a computer. Streaming is pretty much the same, but it contains video and audio you can see and hear that is not coding. It is instant, but it can be limited by the speed of your broadband internet service.



If the streaming is in 1080p, high definition, it passing more information in the streaming, and if it is 4k resolution, your broadband is really more important as 4k is streaming 4 times the information as the 1080p.






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Registered: ‎09-12-2015

In my world, coding means a person is blue, not breathing well (if at all) and the people around are screaming for a crash cart.  I'm guessing it means something different in your world.  Thanks for trying.

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Re: What is "streaming"?

[ Edited ]

What Is Internet 'Streaming'? Is It Like Downloading?

You've been told to visit a 'streaming' website to get your music or your Microsoft Office 2013. But what exactly is 'streaming', and how is it different from downloading?



Streaming, sometimes known as 'background downloading', is the fast-track cousin of regular downloading. In a regular download, you make a duplicate of a large web file or a large software program, sometimes taking 30 minutes to 24 hours to complete the download and receive a working copy.


With streaming, two things are different: you are still downloading, but you start viewing or using the file while it is downloading. With streaming, you can afford to be impatient, and start reaping the benefits of the download within a few moments. Streaming is most valuable when the files in question are larger than 2 or 3 megabytes.


The second difference that separates streaming from downloading is that you do not actually keep a copy of a streamed file; you only view it or listen to it, and then it vanishes into the ether when you are done. That's why you don't have Youtube videos accumulating on your hard drive!

In 2015, streaming is most commonly associated with music and movie files. YouTube and Netflix are two perfect examples of streaming websites: you can begin viewing your YouTube video or Netflix movie while they are still transferring to your computer. Instead of waiting 4 or 5 minutes to see a video, you can start watching it within 4 or 5 seconds.


Internet-based radio is another strong example of streaming: instead of waiting for the entire song to transfer to your computer before it can be played, you can listen to the song during the streaming process. Examples of streaming radio include Spotify, Pandora, and Google Play Music.


Streaming is a technology used to deliver content—usually audio and video, but increasingly other kinds as well—to computers and mobile devices over the internet. Streaming transmits data as a continuous flow, which allows the recipients to begin to watch or listen almost immediately.


Streaming is the quickest way to access internet-based content, but it's not the only way. Progressive download is another option that was used for years before streaming was possible.


In order to understand what streaming is, where you use it, and why it's so helpful, you need to understand these two options.


The Two Kinds of Downloads

The key differences between these two options—progressive download and streaming—are when you can start using the content and what happens to it after you're done with it.


Progressive downloads are the traditional kind of download that anyone who's used the internet for any time is familiar with. When you download an app or game or buy music from the iTunes Store, you need to download the entire thing before you can use it. That's a progressive download.


Streaming is different. Streaming allows you to start using the content before the entire file is downloaded. Take music: When you stream a song from Apple Music or Spotify, you can click play and start listening almost immediately. You don't have to wait for the song to download before the music starts.


This is one of the major advantages of streaming. It delivers data to you as you need it.


The other major difference between streaming and downloads is what happens to the data after you use it. For downloads, the data is permanently stored on your device until you delete it. For streams, the data is automatically deleted after you use it.


A song you stream from Spotify isn't saved to your computer (unless you save it for offline listening, which is a download).


Requirements for Streaming Content

Streaming requires a relatively fast internet connection—just how fast depends on the type of media you are streaming. A speed of 2 megabits per second or more is necessary for streaming standard definition video without skips or buffering delays. HD and UHD content require higher speeds for flawless delivery: 5Mbps for HD content and 9Mbps for UHD content.


Live Streaming

Live streaming is internet content delivered in real time as it happens. Live streaming is popular with live television shows and special one-time events.



Problems With Streaming

Because streaming delivers data as you need it, slow or interrupted internet connections can cause problems. For example, if you have streamed only the first 30 seconds of a song and your internet connection drops at the 31st second, the song stops playing.

The most common streaming error that crops up has to do with buffering. The buffer is a program's temporary memory for streamed content.


The buffer is always filling up with the content you need next. For example, if you watch a movie, the buffer stores the next few minutes of video while you're watching the current content. If your internet connection is slow, the buffer won't fill up quickly enough, and the stream either stops or the quality of the audio or video is reduced to compensate.


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@excpa wrote:

In my world, coding means a person is blue, not breathing well (if at all) and the people around are screaming for a crash cart.  I'm guessing it means something different in your world.  Thanks for trying.




I also understand Code RED and Code BLUE. I have had a Crash Cart by my hospital bed, or gurney, several times. That too, is "my other world". It is my Real Life Experiences! I have lived many times through things that kill thousands of people every day.


I thought maybe you might have heard "computer coding". Thought my post would be easier to let others know, not exclusively directed at you, that might be interested.


Very familiar with many facets of the Medical Profession, as a patient, and one used by Exercise Physiologists to do Fitness Studies. Not sure of your capacity or title in "your world", but I appreciate everyone in the field, that is primarily to help people in need. 







