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What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

My 30 year old Whirlpool has reached the point of no repair. Smiley Sad So I'm on the hunt for a new washing machine.


I don't need bells and whistles. I just need something trustworthy. What are the current good brands?  


Thank you.

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

With the longevity you got from your Whirlpool, I would certainly have faith in another one. 

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

Speed Queen, hands down. Pricey, but so worth it.

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

Sadly, no machine made today will give you 30 years of service. 

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

My last two have been Kenmore....the first  top load washer lasted 15 years.... my current front load is still working great now for going on 12 years

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

Do NOT buy Samsung appliances---- no one will work on them---not even the retailer where you purchased them!  Plus, they give lots of trouble!  My son has an appliance repair business is how I know this.

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

[ Edited ]

I've got a super-old Maytag that just won't die. But when it does I'll be looking at Amana's washer/dryer set. I've been eyeing the reviews for a couple of years now and they have been top-rated so far. Amana is a no-frills subdivision of Whirlpool. Their washer/dryer set has basic operation features which I like...also a deep-water setting.


Basic and simple!


Amana Washer NTW4516FW – Home Appliance Service Inc

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

I have a Speed Queen washer and dryer.   So far, so good!

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

After having only GE's for 47 years...and being pleased with them all..I just bought an LG front-loader a week ago. The reason? It would have taken a month, or more, to get a new GE, similar to what I had, and the LG was available for immediate delivery. I couldn't go a month or more without a washing machine so LG it was. So far, so good. 


I don't expect any newer machines to last but 5-10 years. Seems like they all have "computers" in them, and after about 5 years that part isn't available any longer.

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Re: What is a trustworthy washing machine brand these days?

I have a Speed Queen, I love it, best machine ever.