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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

She was quite stunning.  Particularly when she was pictured with a what appears to be a genuine smile.





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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

@TenderMercies wrote:

@songbird wrote:

Yep.  She was supposed be very beautiful. He carried a torch for all his life.  Sad.  She broke his heart.  I don't see the obsession.  She looks like an average women.  Nothing special...

@songbird If you think that looks alone are what make a man love you, then you’ve never really been in love.

@TenderMercies, when I was young and stupid, all I cared about was a guy's good looks. My mother use to tell me there are more important traits to have than being good looking (I was dumb and thought what does my mother know)! Well she was right, when you love someone they are attractive to you. My mother also use to say, sure he'll be good looking but will be abusive to you, is that what you want?

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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

[ Edited ]

@Marp wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

@qbetzforreal wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

i cannot see your photo in your initial post. which woman are you talking about?

@sunshine45- The photo shows. Frank with Ava Gardner,  Who was a stunning looker.



thanks @qbetzforreal Woman Happy

(for some reason there is just a little box where the photo is supposed to be. not sure why i cannot see it on my laptop?)


i have always thought that ava gardner was GORGEOUS!

@sunshine45, are you by chance using Firefox?  I've found recently there are often photos that I can't see unless I right click on the box and chose view image.




yes, i am on firefox. i can see almost everyones photos, but there are some i cannot. not sure why i can see most, but a few peoples i can never see.  i will check it out to see the photo using your method.





@MarpTHANKS AGAIN! that worked! Woman Wink

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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

      I remember Frank's singing from hearing his voice on the radio with my mom.   I have alwaysy liked his music and have several CD's of  his songs.  I never thought he was a good looking man, just very average.  But his voice was so smooth! 

      Ava was a pretty woman, but I thought the size of her nose was out of proportion to her face.  I have read that she did live a sad but rough life.....

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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

Frank always looked like the big eared mouse in one of the cartoons. It may have been mimiced after him .Nothing to look at for me, his personality was off for me. No lady killer !!

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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

I think the more in love one is with another, the more attractive the other person is. Think about someone you “loved” until you broke up with them… after that you may have wondered what you ever saw in them.

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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

In that picture in post #61, Ava looks like Sela Ward.  

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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

[ Edited ]
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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

[ Edited ]


Ava Gardner...femme fatale.  Includes the song Sinatra wrote and many film clips from her movies.

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: What gives with this lady anyway?

Like my mother (and another poster) said: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think Ava Gardner was a beautiful woman ... sort of a strange comment for the OP to make, but we all have our opinions! My dad used to drink a few brewskis in a bar in Hoboken, NJ in the early 40s with him and a bunch of guys, and always said FS was just a skinny little guy with a big voice!