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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

What do you think? Is there a crisis in leadership likeability?

LinkedIn Groups

  • Group: Organization Development & Training Forum
  • Subject: {OD & T Forum}: DO LEADERS LACK LIKEABILITY? Forum

Dear Colleague,

I was blown away by the response last week. If you were one of the posters, I thank you so much. Many members linkedin with me last week. Did you? If not, I hope you will.

One poster asked the question “How do we define great leaders”? It is a great question that always comes up in these debates. From my perspective, successful leaders do it all. They get results on all fronts and they get them “right way”. And to me that means they do it by successfully engaging their people.

In the Gallup Q12 engagement survey, they ask the question “Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you?” Furthermore, in “Now, Discover Your Strengths”, Marcus Buckingham wrote that “People don’t leave companies, they leave managers”. This has been my personal experience in all but one case.*****

Does it boil down to managers not prioritizing employee engagement? Do they simply choose to focus their “likeability” upwards instead of down?

In “The Likeability Factor” written by Tim Sanders, he writes that likeable people are the most successful. He created a likeability factor scale that consists of friendliness, relevance, empathy and realness. (Feel free to check out his book for more details.)