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Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

I use a rake on my leaves and not a leaf blower.  🍂

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Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

  • We have a high end dishwasher that came with the house when we purchased it; however, I've never used it - still wash dishes by hand.
  • I wash the kitchen and bathroom floors on my knees.  No mop, swifter, etc.
  • Don't text - never have.  When I wish to contact someone I usually pick up our land line phone, or occasionally send an email.
  • Drive a car that does not have all of the new electronic gadgets and I have no issues getting where I need to be.   My car is 28 years old and looks and runs as great as the day I purchased it.





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Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

Most things already mentioned.

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Posts: 4,046
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Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

1.I still put up a wall calendar

2.keep a calendar/planner. 

3.separate clothes by dark/light before washing them
4.Hang some laundry to dry; don't stuff everything into the dryer.
5.Use paper coupons I get in the mail (if they are over a dollar) not digital.

6. I still send birthday cards to others in the mail, not just a FB click. 


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Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

I still send "Thank You" and birthday cards, and gifts for baby showers.  I have a cell phone, desktop and IPad for travel, but find high tech exhausting.  Smiley Happy


I travel with a Kindle and love it for trips, but at home, I read books.  Downsizing for an eventual move, I am amazed how attached I still am to some of my old favorites. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

Since I'm a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" kind of person the list is too long to post.


I've learned the hard way that new ways are not always better or more efficient so I carefully pick and choose what to change.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

@mare54  Steam iron most of my clothing weekly. Steam iron top bed sheet and pillow cases every week. Send thank you notes and sympathy cards through USPS. 

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Registered: ‎10-14-2016

Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

My taxes

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Registered: ‎06-02-2010

Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?

[ Edited ]

I write with a fountain pen and real ink.  I love the sound of the nib as it moves along the surface of the paper.  

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Registered: ‎06-04-2012

Re: What do you still do the old fashion way?



Same here and we get some exercise!  Just picked up 2 big garbage bags full yesterday from my driveway porch and sidewalk.


Next door blasting his leaf blower throughout the week, yuk.


They were everywhere.  And most fell down in one day.

