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What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

What's your plan? Will you get something from/for your significant other? Is your significant other two-legged or four-legged?

DH is going to get Chinese takeout for dinner tonight and will probably get me flowers and a card. I have a box of candy for him. I've got four kitties and they'll get special catnip treatment tonight! woo hoo!

What's on your agenda?

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Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

Honestly, with all of the snow we've been having, Valentine's Day has gotten lost in the shuffle for us. We just got creamed with another huge snowstorm yesterday (and into this morning).

My husband and I will probably celebrate by going out to dinner when this mess clears up a bit. We usually go out to a more expensive restaurant for Valentine's Day, but we usually do it after the holiday anyway.

I was able to pick up my toddler a sweet card and gift before the storm hit us though. She'll be getting something from us later today.

Enjoy the day!

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Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

Creamed with an overload of snow, I suspect I will be plowing, more shoveling and waiting for DH to return from a business trip.

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Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?


thought about going out but checked the restaurants and they all have different menus for tonight, I hate that.

Plus we just got through the snowstorm. My daughter may be coming home for the weekend as well.

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Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

We're making our Valentine celebration a weekend event. We are headed into the city today, and we're spending the weekend in a 5-star hotel.

Tonight, we're having a very elegant dinner at a chef's academy. Everything is prepared by the students. They pull out all the stops. The food is amazing and the price really just covers the cost.

On Saturday, we're going to just knock around the city. Definitely, we're going to hit some some antiquing. Saturday evening, we're thinking of the casino.

On Sunday, probably a bit of shopping before heading back home.

Can't wait to start our adventure!

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Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

One good friend is taking me out to breakfast and another one out to lunch. I have good friends and since I had my birthday party yesterday I will sit back and relax tonight.

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Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

You mean after all the snow removal? We'll go out this evening for a nice dinner. Other than that a few surprises may be in store.

Whatever you do enjoy your day.

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

Honored Contributor
Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

Relaxing at home with my DH and boxer after work.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Registered: ‎03-29-2012

Re: What are your plans for Valentine's Day (Today)?

Snow day!!!!!!!!!!!!