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@Julie928 wrote:

Good evening, everyone!  Just wanted toissshare an experience with a neighbor that I guess you could say is less than pleasant.  First, these people let their dogs bark for extended periods of time right outside our window.  Second, they have let their weeds on their side of my fence grow taller than me (and I'm 5'6").  Third, they do not dispose of their trash the way the rest of the neighborhood does.  You see, they hoard it in plastic grocery bags on the side of their house.  Once they have accumulated enough bags they load them in their car and dump them somewhere ~ have no idea where.  Did I mention I can see and smell their trash from our window?  But wait!  There's more!  Then this evening I noticed them setting up an amplifier of some sort in their driveway.  Then the man of the house and one of his buddies starting playing their guitars which yes, are both hooked up to the amplifier.  This is all being done within 20 feet of our window and has gone on for well over an hour.  How would you handle this?  I am not against people having friends over and if you want to play your guitar fine.  But does it have to be hooked up to an amplifier???  We have put a lot of blood, sweat & tears into maintaining our property and have no intention of being chased out because of people like this.  I love it here and want to handle this as neighborly as possible but have to admit both my husband & I are at our wits end.  Thanks in advance, everyone!










What did they say when you spoke with them about these issues? If you haven't talked with them about this? I've had issues with a few neighbors over the decades. My 1st move is always to talk with them about issues I have with some of their practices.


if nothing changes, I speak with them again, but this time I tell them what I intend to do if the issues continue. Give them enough time and if nothing changes? I do exactly what I told them I intended to do. If it involves a HOA or City or County Authorities. Everyone has the right to a reasonable degree of comfort in their own home. 


II've had authorities involved more than once as that is what it took to mediate our differences. Doesn't always make it conducive for being friends with those neighbors, but I don't need friends that are not willing to compromise.


That is how I handle these types of situations.

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I would call city hall also


A few years ago we had a family, at least I think, move kitty corner across the street from us. I got up one morning and the front yard was covered with every manner of things. It looked like a huge yard sale.


The also had a pick up truck parked in the yard with a huge sign that read all clothes are a dollar. That night they left it all outside and the next so I called city hall.


I must have been the first because she asked me if I was sure it was not a yard sale. I told her it looked like a flea market. She said she would send someone out. Well she must have because most of the junk went into the garage at night and a week later I talked to my neighbor and he told me he had called also but by that time they told him they knew.


A week later they were packing and moved out.  By this time also they had an old wreck of a truck parked in front of the house and the motor sitting alongside there house so we were all glad to see them go.


I think they just rented the house so they could sale things out of it. The garage was full from top to bottome and the driveway had junk sitting out at all times. It was an eyesore. Good luck with your neighbors. That would be awful.

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@hckynutjohn Yours is the best advice I've read so far ~ besides my own, of course. Muahaha.


There is such a thing as being friendly....there is such a thing as tact.....besides, when people like you, they'll do things for you.


If you make this an adversarial relationship that's what it will become.....I would do a 180 and find something I like about them, be friendly, and the situation could probably be worked out in short order.

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@Julie928, I don't have any advice to add but I do sympathize with your situation.  Few things worse than awful neighbors.  Good luck!  Let us know what happens.  LM

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@sailor moon wrote:

feline groovy is right; you don't want to get into a feud, with your neighbors, because you never know how unstable they could be. 


Or your acquaintances.

Or your friends.

Or any member of your family.


You never 100%  know someone, and human beings are a complicated emotionally-fragile species.

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 You have nothing to lose by trying the friendly route first. The thing is to attribute your complaints to unnamed others. Example: I've heard that neighbors are complaining about, fill in the blank, some are planning to report you to some government agency or other and a couple are talking bringing a law suit against you. I just thought you should know. 

Of course they will want to know which neighbors, your reply that you were told in confidence and don't want to chance it getting back to them that you told.

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Hello again, everyone!  We have tried the friendly route, believe me!  When they moved in I was the only one who brought them a housewarning gift along with a card with our phone number in case they ever need anything.  I've given their child birthday/Christmas presents, even give their dogs treats and have gone as far as to bring the dogs doggie ice cream when it is very hot out (all with their blessing, of course).  We had a situation last summer that may be a good example.  They decided to do some weed pulling (creeping charlie to be exact).  Instead of bagging it up and putting it on the curb like the rest of us they threw it in between their garage and our fence.  I politely asked her to move it because it can take root and I didn't want it crawling over to our side.  She said she would take care of it.  A few days later I noticed it was still there so my husband asked her to move it (again, politely).  She said she would.  Well, you guessed it!  Never moved it, still there to this day and healthier than ever! 


As far as this situation is concerned, the two men were drinking and I had no idea what their mental state was.  I think I did the best I could given the situation.  OH!  OH!  I left out something you should know!  I have a small, concrete birdbath under a tree near the property line.  Every morning (except on weekends) the darn thing is knocked over.  I figured it was those pesky raccoons but thought, why not on the weekends?  And why is it always tipped over in the same direction?  I decided to watch early one morning because I got tired of picking it up and refilling it all the time.  Guess who!  Yep!  The neighbor from another planet!  This all occurred just yesterday, but the tipping over has been going on for about a month now.  Now, how do you handle that?  :-(

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Re: What Would You Do?

[ Edited ]

WOW---thanks, John....I have been waiting for the voice of reason......3&1/2 pages of "Go To War" suggestions ! 

Become friends or, at least, friendly. Go over with a 6 pack or invite them over for a drink. If there are a few tied bags of trash under your window, throw them in your trash can on or before pick up day. Ask them if they need a hand with trimming the weeds......praise the guitar playing after listening for a bit and then ask if they could disconnect the amp. Pick up one of those big chew bones and tell them you got their dog a gift....Honey not vinegar......if they like you, identify with you, they will want to cooperate with you.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

hook up some yodeling music or big band music and fire it back at 'em.

yodel lay de hooooooooooooo..................

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Registered: ‎04-08-2013

Re: What Would You Do?

[ Edited ]

Danky ~ I think we might have been posting replies at the same time, lol!  I don't mean to sound as if I want to start an argument, so please don't misunderstand've got to be kidding, right?  These aren't sick, elderly people living there.  They're younger than my husband & I and in excellent health.  We pay for our trash removal, why should I pay for theirs?  I'm outside working hard on my yard most days of the week.  Why would I want to spend my time pulling their weeds?  I look at it like this.  I don't like tension between neighbors, but I think they got the ball rolling on that one.  I tried to be nice.  What do I get?  An amplifier outside my window and my birdbath continuously knocked over.  I'm not the only neighbor that has noticied this.  I was working out front this morning and another couple came over and asked me about the barking dogs next door.  They assured me they knew they weren't mine barking but wanted to know what gives.  I said to ask them what gives, lol.  I sound angry (not at you) and that's because I am.  My tolerance for people that feel the world is their playground and we just live in it is exhausted.