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@Julie928 wrote:

Danky ~ I think we might have been posting replies at the same time, lol!  I don't mean to sound as if I want to start an argument, so please don't misunderstand've got to be kidding, right?  These aren't sick, elderly people living there.  They're younger than my husband & I and in excellent health.  We pay for our trash removal, why should I pay for theirs?  I'm outside working hard on my yard most days of the week.  Why would I want to spend my time pulling their weeds?  I look at it like this.  I don't like tension between neighbors, but I think they got the ball rolling on that one.  I tried to be nice.  What do I get?  An amplifier outside my window and my birdbath continuously knocked over.  I'm not the only neighbor that has noticied this.  I was working out front this morning and another couple came over and asked me about the barking dogs next door.  They assured me they knew they weren't mine barking but wanted to know what gives.  I said to ask them what gives, lol.  I sound angry (not at you) and that's because I am.  My tolerance for people that feel the world is their playground and we just live in it is exhausted.


I think you've been nice long enough and tried everything to make this work.  If you can elevate this matter to someone who has authority to deal with it, I would.  But, watch your back!  Good luck.  They sound like ignorant losers. 😠

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Posts: 184
Registered: ‎09-29-2010

We moved and never looked back. Sounds harsh but home is where the home is and our hearts were no longer there.