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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

San Diego, 72 degrees 🌙 ✨ 

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

Long sleeved flannel night gown weather. Currently 38 degrees Fahrenheit 

“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

In the foothills of upper SC, it's 36 now and will be down to 34 tonight.  

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

Calling for a frost . It is now 32 F degrees at my home. I pulled all my outdoor plants in the greenhouse . Will pull them all back out for the  day when it warms up.

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?



Close to Midnight here. Temp is 23°/feels like 17°. Per WeatherBug. NeeeBraska.


hckynut  🇺🇸

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

The low in SoCal is 65 degrees tonight, with a high tomorrow of 92 degrees.


I'm hoping for a "cold snap" so I can wear my Cuddl Duds fleece.  Woman Happy

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

It's 4:41 a.m. in east central Pa. Wed. and right now it's 31, but will probably drop a degree or 2 in the next hour or so. BRRRRRRRRRRR.

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

28 in Tulsa

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

Yesterday, it doesn't seem like it got up over 40. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr and damp..


6:48 a.m.  it's 39 degrees.  (SW MI).  Saw that in the U. P. Upper Peninsula it did snow. No doubt that someone will mention this.  Not sure the "  right now. (Inches),

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Re: What Is Your Temperature Tonight?

It's 6:00 AM and our temp is 21 degrees with windchill at 0 degrees. We had one day with record cold this week.  Midwest.